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Strange Glitch with Fallout Redesigned/Proj.Beauty


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Has anyone else run into this problem with having Fallout Redesigned (formerly Project Beauty)? I had an old favorite armor mod installed, Fiona Armor V3 Type 3 and it produced a really strange graphics glitch. When worn, my character's breasts are warped and pulled into the ground at an angle like they're being sucked into a black hole. Since Fallout Redesigned is a face/hair mod and not a body mod, I don't really understand why it would produce this effect or have any compatabilty issues with a clothing/armor mod. Would anyone have a suggestion on how to get a workaround so it shows up correctly?


The body/race mods I'm using with this are

  1. Body: Dimon's Type 3 (Berry HD) with smaller shoulders patch
  2. Race: Shojo race (with COTW prerequisite)


Note, I have noticed the incompatable with project beauty tag on the front page, but would prefer to use both mods if possible.

Edited by yk0520
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