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Looking for a Simple dance mod please


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the more simple the better. could even be just for player toon.


i have Dancing in Skyrim, and even w/ the English patch, much is still in Russian or hard for me to understand. i have FNIS Spells, but going through the different categories and having to memorize what a7 does ect...

i just want to quickly and spontaneously dance when a bard starts singing an the like.

any suggestions. thnx

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the more simple the better. could even be just for player toon.


i have Dancing in Skyrim, and even w/ the English patch, much is still in Russian or hard for me to understand. i have FNIS Spells, but going through the different categories and having to memorize what a7 does ect...

i just want to quickly and spontaneously dance when a bard starts singing an the like.

any suggestions. thnx


You don't need to memorize. THere is a text file in FNIS Spells with that information.

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thanks, i actually had that printed up years ago but lost my notebook and forgot about the list. still tho, even w/ the list it's not what i'd call "simple". the txt list seems more helpful if one was replacing anim hkx files w/ ones of their own. not really a quick use, at least for my slow intellect lol. unless i'm looking in the wrong place. i'm reading the 3 txt files in Spells and the readme.


i'd like to be in a tavern and a bard breaks out a tune, and i just simply hit a hotkey to dance a jig or whatever. can't believe there's not anything like that available after all these years

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i'd like to be in a tavern and a bard breaks out a tune, and i just simply hit a hotkey to dance a jig or whatever. can't believe there's not anything like that available after all these years


Who needs such mod? And if there were one you would possibly complain that it doesn't function the way you like, or that the hotkey conflicts with one of your other mods.


Many users seem to forget what "modding" is all about: change the game to their liking. And not wait until someone else is doing simple things for them. Such mod is easy. Learn how to script. There is a "FNIS Spells Modding Tutorial" that shows you the first steps how to create your own independent mod. And from there you couls learn how to implement your own specific implementation of what you want.

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geez, isn't it enough to be condescending and confrontational at your own mod pages. please don't come into my topics to do so.

(to paraphrase you…) what do you mean?? lol. good ole Fore. great to see you haven't changed. belligerent and overly defensive as always lol.

I’d like a mod like that or I wouldn’t have posted.

Also, please let me address a few of your aspersions; I’m THE most self sufficient person I know (I’ve stitched my own wounds, set my bones, pulled my own teeth when needed, cut my hair for 50 years, and grown my own food, among the obligatory electrical, carpentry and the like), but I also know my limitations. I’m guessing there’s a reason Fore is modding games and isn’t an astrophysicist or brain surgeon. Perhaps the reasons I don’t learn scripting, and you don’t learn quantum mechanics, or how to make the perfect martini, comes down to similar things; lack of time, know how, intelligence or desire lol.

We all do what we can do, and then sometimes…we ask others. If we all made our own stuff, there’d be no need for a community, a Request section at the Nexus forums, or even published mods, as we’d already have made our own. Plus, I know you think it’s sacrilege to even entertain the thought of an animation mod other than yours (of which I am eternally grateful for. You and all your incredible work, as I’ve stated numerous times.), but fnis spells is simply more complex than I want at this time. I defy anyone to open the text files in FNIS Spells and tell me they’re “simple”. (FNIS_Animations.txt, FNIS_FNISSpells_List.txt, and the 50000kb FNIS_README_3.5.txt), which, as the topic states, is what I was looking for. And I believe I’m within my rights to ask here at this forum.

I also don’t complain much at all, about anything. I know where you’re going w/ that, as that seems to be one of your preferred mantra rants to your posters (just read his mod threads folks!). That users are all ungrateful complainers who ask stoopid questions, but I just do not complain about mods. Period. I’ll point out errors, offer help and constructive advice if I can, or ask for help w/ issues I may have. All the while offering thanks and often donations (of which I’ve offered to you numerous times, but you won’t take donations. And I’ve become convinced it’s so you can "Lord" over your realm and not be beholden to any user and thus can “righteously” be rude, condescending, and abrasive to them). But I don’t complain that something isn’t to my liking and scream an entitled “change it!”. Just move on if ya don’t like something I say. Hell, I’ve had cancer for a few years now and never complain about that. Maybe to the wife a little.

So…wow. Didn’t mean to type all that. So I’ll just continue asking if anyone knows of a mod like I originally described (thought there’d be one but looking doubtful), as is my right as a premium user in good standing at these message boards. At least if that’s okay w/ the mods. If there’s an issue w/ my lil diatribe above, please let me know mods. Again, I was asking if anyone knew of an ALREADY existing mod like this. I wasn’t requesting that one be made.

EDIT; i had removed most of the above as i was attempting to discuss this in private w/ fore, but he will not. so i'm restoring the original stuff

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