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2 great MOD ideas that would revolutionize Fallout 4


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1. A mod that makes it to where you can assign settlers and companions to complete radiant quests. You've done them 100 times. You've trained settlers to be minutemen. You're a General right? Perhaps settlers or companions earn ranks for immersion sake. I can see that is possible due to a GOT mod where you can send settlers out to hunt, Herb, and scavenge.


2. Dog meat needs to be gender less. Not male or Female. Solution...remove dialogue that says good boy. Hey pal. I put my real dog in game and the dog is female. Not a Hey boy.


P.S. I have voice acted and created quality of life mods myself. But some scripting is beyond me or I would do this myself. Anyone needs a guy with tons of voices and impressions with pro mic let me know.

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I agree with #1 100% I don't use Dogmeat as a companion so I have no horse in that race. I think if someone made a patch for "scrap everything" that made the previously unscrapable foundations walls roads and such require a third step to delete they would be the Fallout modder of the year and they would have books written about them. There isn't a user of that mod alive that hasn't worked hours on a settlement and then accidentally scrapped a chunk of the road or a foundation and lost all that work.

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Why dog needs to be gender less?

Or u one of those?Leave the dog alone!!

They literally said why they would like that mod. I think it is a nice idea, especially for people like OP who have modded their own dog in game. (Edited because I posted from my phone) Edited by femshepping
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