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Nuke shotgun shell rounds.


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I was reading one of the late 90s punisher comics last night and It showed this super FBI agent with a shotgun that shoots mini nuke shells.

I was wondering is it possible for New vegas? as a round I mean I've seen High explosive rounds. It could be balanced if using the round it damages the shotgun significantly and the rounds could cost 100-140 caps each.

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Oh hay Kuro! sounds sweet bro yeah I was thinking the same thing about damaging the shotgun just for balance so you can't use it with a auto shotty,but once. and Ok I shall get back at you then bud. I was going to ask cyberlazy about it.
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I can make a new shotgun based of the hunting shotgun or another one in the game and set its health really low only allowing three or four shots before breakage at max condition. It could use its own ammo to keep it simple.


If you want to add the nuclear shell to the standard ammo list then I'll need to script the ammo to damage the player's weapon significantly to balance it out. It can be done, but some testing will need to be done to determine the proper values.


At any rate, this will take me a few days while I get my system back up and running.

Edited by Kuroitsune
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That sounds great Kuro.I was thinking it should be based off the Caravan shotgun two shots of a nuke is more then enough.I think the pump will make the gun way to OP.I wish I could help you but I'm learning modding from the GECK homepage this weekend I'm trying to get into texturing.I have no experiencing with Modeling or scripting..I think making a quest would be a great thing also.like a underground lad something very fallout.
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