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unable to save after update


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I cannot load any saved game following update to 1.5.80. That is, I can load an old game, and I can even play, but if I save, then load the save, I get "save corrupted" and although it doesn't immediately CTD, as soon as I acknowledge the message it goes back to the main menu.


If I don't acknowledge the error immediately, I can watch as the game *appears to think it is in a freshly installed, vanilla state and busily installs every mod I've added since starting the game (or at least posts messages to that effect in the top left screen corner.


Any ideas of how to proceed, short of "reinstall the game and start over" ?


Forgive me if this is one of those "idiot" questions. I'm relatively new to skyrim and pretty poorly versed (ignorant, not stupid) in gaming and all the associated config/debug/etc minutia in general. Any help would be welcome.


I have fallrim and SEEdit and a few other tools care of various forum posts, and have used them here and there but am still in the paint-by-numbers crowd, to give you an idea of where I am in this.




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I have the exact same issue, and I've been trying to find a way to fix it for a week without success...


Well in the interim, I'd suggest starting a new game to wile away the time, or find something else to do (it *is summer all over the N hemisphere after all). So some good news... I can save with a new game, and you can likely do so as well.


Since I can save with the new one and not with the old, it's clearly something to do with that particular player's vector/mods that were present before update, and those I had to disable due to incompatibility forward (none, and I mean none of that player's saves will result in a situation where I can successfully save, yet the new character saves just fine. I wonder if I was maybe carrying some glitch from early on in its adventure that finally just blew up.


Oh well, only 40 or so levels to gain and I'll be at the same level. Kinda takes some of the fun out, since I know what to expect from all the quests I completed with the last character, but I'm sure I'll get over it. It's just a game after all.

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Post load order?

Sorry for the late response. I began a new character arc and have pretty much given up on the old character. The new one is working fine without any major glitches. (level 24, I've experienced two or three CTDs the entire time, whereas with the old character, I was experiencing them during every "play period", and more often than not, more than two or three during each period of play. (it got so that I was manually saving every every few minutes. Autosaves saved fine, but always crashed on load


I'd also note that if I open one of the early saves for the old character, I can save load, etc without issue. I haven't found the demarcation line, but I just don't have time to do so... I just went back to a level 15 save that still "works" and she loaded fine, and subsequently, she saved fine. As well, on a couple, test plays, CTDs, while still more common than with the new character, are few and far between ( so it's likely that something got gummed up early on.


I'm holding onto her saves right up to level 52, but I think the new character will be my vector for normal play from here out.

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Update: It looks like something went wrong when I installed sofia the first time. She was glitchy for the entire play up to level 52 anyway.


I got bored on Friday night and spent an ~hour going back through old saves until I found one that was 100% safe (re-saver didn't list any errors of merit). Only drawback... it was level 16 (now 19), not level 52, but at least I got her back intact.


Dunno why but when I'm walking somewhere, I like looking at the backend of a chick swaying her hips way more than the rear end of a male character :wink:


edit: every single save with sofia has errors per re-saver reporting...and as I recall I'd gotten into the habit of saving via the console because it usually CTD'd if I saved using the normal interface.

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