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Sword of Light


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From the anime slayers. The swordsman had this really cool sword that when he took off the blade it would burst out light and it would become a sword of light. I was wondering if this is possible. Not the whole process, just the sword of light.
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Well, this isn't exactly what you are asking for but Lost Paladins of the Divines has a flame sword that when drawn, emits light (light spell) and turns off when sheathed.




You might also want to look into Wieldable Torches.



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Neah, that's not what he expected at all. I accidentaly saw the anime which had the sword yesterday when skipping trought the chanels ;D. It's a strangeish humongous white handle with a hole of a rectangular shape out of which a sabra-shaped light beam comes out.


Looks like.. errr nevermind.

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Yeah the last guy pretty much described it. Let me look up a picture.


EDIT: Found a video which is possibly the best way to show it.

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Even without the video, I understood what the OP was asking for (was very descriptive).


The Lost Paladins mod does have a sword that makes it look like it is giving off light when pulled from the scabbard.


This is the "effect" that is wanted. The Wieldable Torches does just about the same thing (mine used an older technique)


The other part is to make a sword that has an almost transparent blade with a bright glowmap applied and maybe even some particle FX.


A weapon can be made transparent by adding a NiAlphaProperty to the NiTriStrip node and then editing the diffuse texture's alpha channel to control the amount of transparency applied.





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But can someone do that for me? This is suggestions so I though I would suggest and request someone to do that. The way you make it sound it should be easy enough for any modder that does weapons. Now I have no modding technique at all. The things I imagine are sadly confined to my head for I forget when I post. But when I look around sometimes posts spark my idea and I post it.
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