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Request Mod for the Special Things at Castle Volkihar or at Fort Dawng


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When you join the Dawnguard, you go on a special Mission to get a Special Weapon and a Special Shield and theres a Mod to Summon Creatures from Tomes you get from certain Characters, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22093 but i joined the Vampire Clan and theres no way to get the Weapon and Shield.


Vice Versa on the Vampire Clan, because after i kill the Vampires, theres no way to get the Special Amulets and Rings or take the Chalice for that Special Quest.


What im Requesting is, when i Join the Sided Faction and end the MQ, the Special Weapons and Jewelry should be on the Bodies of the Characters, plus you should now be able to take the Chalice after you sided with the Dawnguard.

Edited by daventry
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  • 7 months later...

Easier said then done for a Person like me who has No Clue how to Mod and ive tried it many times, but you always need some other extra thing for the Mod to Fully Function, like TES5Edit in witch i have No Clue what it does or how it works or if it Deletes files from my Game.


Many People just say, yea you just do this or that in the CK and your set, but they forget about the other 20 Steps they havent told you as to why Members Complain your Mod is Buggy as Hell.

Edited by daventry
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