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Edit a mod without having it's masters


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Long story short, I was wondering if it's possible to edit a mod (ultimately removing it's dependencies on a specific master) without actually DLing said master.


Example 1: A follower mod requires apachi hair. I want the follower but plan to change the hair to vanilla anyway. Is it possible to edit the file (CK, SSEDIT...etc?) and change the hair to default without actually DLing and installing apachii hair?


Example 2: I want to use a really cool falmer worldspace from that other site. But, of course, it's dependent on a bunch of mods that I REALLY don't want. Am I going to have to DL 6 F'ed up mods simply to remove dependencies on them so I can use the worldspace itself?



Any help is appreciated.

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You can for sure with the CK - it'll just throw a bunch of errors about missing dependencies - and I assume you can with xEdit as well, though I've never tried that one.





Example 1: A follower mod requires apachi hair. I want the follower but plan to change the hair to vanilla anyway. Is it possible to edit the file (CK, SSEDIT...etc?) and change the hair to default without actually DLing and installing apachii hair?

You do understand that if you do this, you are going to have to rebuild the head mesh in Nifmerge, right?

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