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Problem with new quest


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Hello, first of all, sorry my english, I'm spanish.

I'm making a new quest. I followed this tutorial: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Dialogue (part 1, 2 and 3). I made the same quest three times, but I can't make it work. When I speak with my new NPC, he only says: Ah? and more things. He doesn't start the dialogue. I don't know where is the problem. Please help me.

I put the priority of the quest to 60. The NPC has the Essential button on. I make the first dialogue option "GetIsID" like in the tutorial and with my custom NPC and "GetStage" like the tutorial, the other dialogue option have only "GetIsID" with my custom NPC. The "yes" dialogue which you have to get the quest have this scripts:




And I record the dialogues. I don't know where is the problem. Please help me to find the problem. Thanks.

Edited by ZunaSW
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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate when you find your question multiple time butt with no response. :( I am having this same exact issue after following the same exact tutorial. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Or, OP were you able to figure this out?


I changed the NPCs disposition up to 60, 70, and 80 still nothing happens. My new dialogue never happens, the NPC just says the standard things that they all do when you bump into them like "Hmm", "Oh?", "Need Something"?


I've redone the tutorial twice and still nothing happens

Edited by lorddonk
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  • 2 months later...

Same problem here. I was told to save the game next to the npc, restart the game and try it. The npc DID start the dialogue but only spoke the first line. I don't consider that a fix, since it means that everyone who uses our mod has to save the game next to the npc, restart Skyrim and try again.


Somebody in-the-know, please help us.

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Guys, I solved it. It is very easy to solve. Simply open steam, go to tools and right clic in Creation Kit. Clic on properties and then in avanced launch options (I think is like this in english, I have Steam in spanish) write this:




nameofyourplugin.esp is the name of your .esp, for example:




Then open Creation Kit. CK will generate a new archive .seq in skyrim/data/SEQ. Creation Kit will close when the archives are generated, and then you can open Skyrim and the dialogue will work. You have to make this every time when you edit your dialogue.

Hope this works.

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Thanks ZunaSW.


In addition I found some other options on this page: http://www.theengineeringguild.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=771:skyrim-quest-start-of-game-bug-fix&catid=20&Itemid=193


I decided that the "Trigger Method" would be the easiest for me to do so I tried that one and it totally worked for me. Now my quest advances to 0 before I actually talk to the npc, so when I go up to him he says the lines he should.

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