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Everything posted by lorddonk

  1. I could be misunderstanding how this works, but would it be possible to create a zEdit patcher which would distribute items, skills, perks, etc. to NPCs in the vain of ASIS but less glitchy for SSE? At the bare minimum, a patcher for spells would be amazing and I'm kind of surprised that none exist yet. One of the least immersive things is when you throw Apocalypse and a few spell mods into the game and then you're the only one who can use them. Imagine running to a riverbank and the NPC casts water walk and chases after you! Scenarios like this happened for me in Legendary Edition (through the use of ASIS) and are some of my fondest memories. I am just learning about zEdit through a mod that gives every NPC a different body texture, there is another one that patches everything automatically to ensure Water Records are correct for needs mods. It would be great if someone would look into extending this functionality to NPC spells, distributing potions, etc.
  2. I second this. Bothers me I can't take all my clothes off before sleeping and or doing sexy time scenes
  3. I'm late to reading this but in case this feedback can still be heard: PLEASE CONSULT A UI designer. Both Nexus and Mod Organizer were very ugly and just plain not user-friendly. A good interface would be so much nicer and more intuitive for newcomers and experienced modders alike. If you need a hand... :)
  4. I have been very careful to try and pick things that are compatible, installed patches when possible, cleaned everything that could be cleaned, used BOSS to sort the load order list, and then used wyre bash to make a final patch. However, I have a consistent CTD that always happens either when encountering the pack of 3 wolves after escaping Helgen (on the way to Riverwood) or just after that point before reaching Riverwood. I have pruned my mod list down as best I could to only contain active, highly recommended mods. I have tried disabling batches of mods at a time but cannot narrow down the culprit. Any mods that I assumed might be the problem (Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Monster Mod, Wet & Cold, ASIS etc) I have tried disabling individually and running the game and still this crash happens. The only time it stops is when I disable all of my mods. Here is my plugins.txt file: I fear that disabling one mod does not solve the issue, it must be an incompatibility between 2 mods which causes the crash. SIM and MoMod were the only ones I could think of but disabline one or the other doesn't seem to help. Does anybody know of any mods that specifically edit that area by the wolves that could be the cause of this crash? Sometimes the crash happens instantly, sometimes, it only happens when I press "ESC" around that area to open up the menu.
  5. Oh I see! I didn't realize that ENB didn't also create new weathers. Guess its best to stick to CoT but I wish it was still being actively developed.
  6. So, 99% of you on this board will know what The Legend of Zelda is *if you don't or need a refresher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda). Well, I don't have any modding talents, so I thought I'd mention this idea here in case some motivated modder who is also a Zelda fan sees this and would like to take the idea and run and make this dream come true. There are a number of items from the Zelda universe that look like they could fit within the Skyrim universe. The way I would take the mod is not just throw all the Zelda weapons into the game but tweak the effects and introduce only those that make sense. I'd also envision getting these new weapons, instead of being added to level lists, it would be cool to have to work through challenging and dangerous dungeons in order to obtain them. A full list of items is here http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_items_in_the_Legend_of_Zelda_series but these are a few of my ideas: - One item of which would be the hookshot, It certainly seems plausible that with all the lifts and gears that there could be a dwemer hookshot. For those unfamiliar with the hookshot (see http://zeldawiki.org/Hookshot). Basically, it is an item that can "hook" onto items from afar and either pull them to you, or pull you to them. I could see a few different versions of the hookshot that range in power. - I'd also like to see bombs. Bombs aren't unique to Zelda but as far as I know there aren't any bomb mods that operate like Zelda ones do. (Where you can either throw them, or set them). There is also an item called the Bombchu (http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Bombchu) in certain games that is a bomb that goes off in a straight line and then explodes. It already looks like some weird Dwemer contraption! It would also make a fun new enemy to face in Dwemer Ruins. Have to be on your toes and side step it or it would detonate on impact with you. - Boomerang? http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Boomerang Really, what needs to be said? It would be awesome to have a boomerang in Skyrim (if the engine allows). There could be all the normal variations too Iron, Steel, Glass? etc. which would add a nice variety of new weapons to Skyrim. My personal favorite weapons was the Gale Boomerang http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Gale_Boomerang which is basically a boomerang which is accompanied by a small tornado when you throw it. - Slingshot http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Slingshot we could make berries drop from trees (which would also help with my favorite mod Realistic Needs) but could also be used to sling with the slingshot. Stones, etc could be added to make it a viable alternative to archery and it seems like it could run off the same system as archery - Spinner http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Spinner If it was possible with the engine, I loved riding this thing around in Twilight Princess, and it seems like its just some Dwemer cog that came unattached Those are my initial ideas, and theirs a ton more weapons to draw off of from the series. I don't know what the engine capabilities are, I haven't even been able to successfully create a stinking custom follower but if any of these are possible, I really hope someone sees this post and tries to make some of them! Post a Link here when you're done! LINK! Get it? GET IT? I kill myself ...
  7. Fellow Skyrim players, I really wanted to make a thread about what is the best ENB but I know a lot of that is up to preference. I see a lot of ENB mods on the Nexus but a lot of them I can't use because I use Climates of Tamriel and they say specifically that they are not compatible. So, I will just test a ton of them myself. However, apparently the new ENB has its own weathers to the point where I am wondering if Climates of Tamriel is really needed anymore especially with the fact that its not being developed anymore, while ENB is constantly being improved. Just wondering what do most of you run on your files? Are the ENB weather effects similar to Climates of Tamriel? Are there all the same types of weather? Snow, Rain, Sunny, Overcast, Fog, etc. And are they still compatible with things like Frostfall or Lighting During Thunderstorms? Are there any real bugs with the weather system? Is there anywhere to see screenshot comparisons? Thanks for your help.
  8. Thank you myztikrice. I didn't realize that the load order didn't matter to make the patch. So I did that but every time I make the patch it resets my mod load order. Is there anyway to stop this? I'm trying to start a new game on a new harddrive after a computer crash and I can't get the game to run with any mods without crashing on the opening either right when getting to the part where the guy says "What do you think, end of the line." or if it gets past that it crashes at the "Who are You?" part. Was hoping Wyre bash would fix the issue. As far as I know none of my mods are incompatible with each other, or the ones that are have a patch with them. For giggles, my load order is below: or at least it was before Wyre bash changed it.
  9. I setup my load order in NMM then open Wyre Smash or Bash or watever and it rewrites my load order. Then when I try to make the batch patch things are in the wrong order. WELL thats because it OVERRODE my correct load order! I am so frustrated right now. I have tried "REDATING" everything but it doesn't work How can I delete whatever cache or file this stupid program is using so that I can generate this patch and finally play the game?! Any help is GREATLY appreciated
  10. Has anybody made something like this yet? This was an awesome idea! I just searched for "NPC crime" hoping to find something and can't find anything. Here's hoping someone would make something like this. At one point I did find a thief trying to pickpocket in Whiterun and it was the coolest thing ever. I watched as he did it, as the guard followed behind him and then after he stole the guard came up and killed him.
  11. I would like to know how to have enemies use spells that have been added by mods. I can't believe I'm the only one which leads me to believe there is some simple answer which I cannot find. I have found that people say to use ASIS but it seems like it does a lot of other stuff and the spell thing is just a side effect. I don't want increased spawns and I don't understand what ReProcc is. Is there any other mod that allows enemy NPCs/followers to use spells added by mods?
  12. Yes, and actually, I recommend this to users who must download mods that are exclusive to the Steam Workshop. Steam does not accept uploads of mods with resources in loose file format. So all you have to do is 1) subscribe the mod, and let the mod download and automatically install itself into the game like some sort of virus (this is the reason I don't use the Steam Workshop). 2) go into your game data folder, find the esp/esm and the bsa file from the mod. Archive those files using a file archive utility like 7zip or WinRar. 3) unsubscribe the mod from the Steam Workshop so it will no longer automatically download the file or update it for you as if you are mentally handicapped and can't easily do it yourself. 4) move the archived version of the mod into the folder used by NMM to store downloaded mod archives, and delete the loose esp/esm and bsa file from the mod in your game data folder. 5) install the mod using NMM. YES! Thank you! I didn't think it could be that easy! And thanks for the laugh as well :D
  13. I know its not perfectly kosher, but it would be for personal use only. I would like to know if its possible and if so how to go about downloading a mod that is exclusive to the Steam Workshop and move it to a .zip file or something so that I could install it via the Nexus Mod Manager. My reason for doing this is I don't like having to wait for Steam to check all the subscribed mods whenever I start it, and I would like to be able to switch them on or off easier if I need to. I tried searching for this, but I don't really know what to search for. I'm assuming someone has made a tutorial somewhere but I can't bring it up.
  14. So, this is probably not the right place, but in the future could a possible feature be to hide translated mods? I know I like to come and look at the Latest Mods page once a week and I hate having to go through pages of "XXXX Spanish Translation" for dozens of mods. Could we get an option to hide them?
  15. In response to post #7526682. #7526998 is also a reply to the same post. Yeah, its weird now. Although it was always inaccurate for me. It would be nice if you could search by text IN the mod description or if people could tag mods rather than just searching in the mod title. Although, mod authors should name their mods after what they do rather than "xx01xx2u's Skyrim Tweak-a-palooza" this doesn't account for that. I think a good compromise would be a basic short "description" box
  16. Just a quick question, I have been watching the "Skyrim Mod of the Day" video series on YouTube which is very good, but I was wondering if there were any similar blogs or recurring threads that introduce the "best of" for a week/day that isn't in video form?
  17. Anyone have any help with this? I made some changes to my mod load order, but it still happens. I tried starting a new game disabling all my weapon and armor mods (jaysus, immersive armors) and it sill happens. I don't know which mod could be causing this. I've noticed even further that guards say this even when I have NO weapon equipped. They say "what a strange weapon you wield" and "what a big hammer", I don't have anything equipped in either hand!
  18. Hmm... well after another day of hours of disappointment I have to say I'm not having any luck with this at all... :( It seems like there's no way to do it without customizing EVERY NPC manually? In the process of this I somehow broke what I did have going and now can't get NPCs to talk to me AT ALL. I feel like if someone knew what they were doing that the stuff is there to do it, but I can't seem to figure it out. I didn't realize that you were also saying that you were working on it too. Have you had any luck doing this? It seems like it needs to be a "radiant quest" so that it can appear to everyone in the world but all of the example radiant quests examples have a clear person or set of persons specified that are allowed to have the quest. There doesn't seem to be a way to make it appear for everyone, but then make the quest know which NPC gave you the quest.
  19. I've been trying to determine what mod is causing this without any luck. I have tried disabling mods but I think for this effect to be fixed I have to actually start a new game with each mod disabled to see which is the culprit... so hoping to avoid that, does anyone know which specific mod(s) could be causing this: After starting a fresh new game with the following mods installed: NPCs keep commenting on my weapons. This is cool, and actually something I never noticed in Skyrim. The problem is, I have a basic steel sword, (not even upgraded at all) and NPCs say things like "What a strange weapon you wield, never have I seen anything like it." Even this wasn't so bad... I guess, but now I just had two guards say "What a massive hammer you wield" or something like that. It's a little weird, and breaks the fun of the game for me, so if I can't fix it I'd like to just uninstall that mod. Problem is I'm not sure which one is causing it. Attached is my mod list (And don't you dare act like you don't have just as many!! :) ) Anyone have any ideas?
  20. I don't want to say anything shocking, so please wait for a "second opinion" before you take this advice, but you may need to start a new file. I know big mods like the UFO when you uninstall them and reload the game, you sometimes get a warning that "this save file may depend on files which are no longer available". I think you might have to reinstall UFO and see if it has any specific uninstall commands that you have to run from the command line to completely get rid of it. I know it sucks, I did a similar thing and had to restart my game for it because nothing would fix it. :(
  21. Thank you, I'm trying to figure out how you can make a quest be completely random but then in the quest determine who gave you the quest! It seems like th companion ones are all set from a specific person, but the bandit ones seem to be random, I just have to try and figure out how it works (not having much luck) but thank you for your helps!
  22. I am currently working on a mod and would like to study how the "Radiant Quests" are setup in the creation kit. However, I have looked through the Quests area and am not finding anything that seems to be the non-scripted quests. Could someone please point me in the right direction to an example Radiant Quest that I could study from? VERY much appreciated. Thank you. EDIT: I am studying this, http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Radiant_Quests but I think it would make a world of difference to see all the pieces of a real one.
  23. OMG! I can't believe I saw your post! I am new to modding and currently working on something exactly like this! Actually, I wanted to become a modder because I wanted to see this in Skyrim and there wasn't anything like it that I could find. I felt like conversations with NPCs were very shallow. And without getting super far through the main story, I didn't have any "friends" in Skyrim, just people I had helped who thanked me, and then went on treating me like everyone else. Likewise, I was disheartened that my followers really didn't say anything , or repeated the same lines over and over (J'Zargo). I believe I am calling my mod STAR - Friends in Skyim unless I can come up with something better. I am completely new to this, but very ambitious and motivated to do it. Now that I've finally stepped into it, I see a few potential stumbling blocks down the line but a lot of this functionality seems to already be built into Skyrim which made me wonder if nobody wanted this feature. For example, do you know most NPCs already have a parameter allotted to them that defines if they are married, courting, or single or etc? It even keeps track of their family. Anyway I'm rambling, but I was super excited to see your post and know that someone else in the world would like this kind of a mod. As I said though, I am totally new to this, 100% committed to doing it but also 100% lost and I will have to rely on help from other scripters occasionally for assistance. My progress so far. That may not seem like a lot...: Dialogue menu appears. Its basic Skyrim option window, bit I have plans for a full radial menu like Fable. Menu is filtered by types of NPCs so you cannot befriend monsters, or other people it doesn't make sense to Menu disappears when the NPC is fighting with you (that was a funny glitch I found) I have it so an NPC will tell you if they like you or not (still working on how to change +/- this variable They can also tell you if they are married, single, or in a relationship. I don't have a lot of time after work to look at this, but I intend to spend as much time on it as I can. Currently, I am looking for how to raise or lower variables (or create my own) to handle the relationship scale. My end goal is something similar to "The Sims" plus "Fable" plus "Harvest Moon" where you can choose from a list of discussion topics and the NPC will "like" or "dislike" your choice, upping or downing their friendship scale. You will be able to give gifts to NPCs and they will like or dislike those. NPCs will be able to be invited places, and will show up at the proper time. You can invite them hunting with you. And in the future, there would be a LOT of integration. Ex: If you show up on a rainy night at someones house pulling out an axe, and they don't know you. They lock the door, or flee. I think this mod would be a great addition to skyrim, although I can see some aspects not being wanted by all. Maybe some people will just want the NPC friendship options and no romance etc. These options will be able to be installed via "Add-On" packs. I want to make it very modular as some of the top mods on this site are, so you can can choose just what you want. I will update this post as soon as I can figure out the current "stopping blocks" so that you (and anyone else) can play the first test release. I'm sure once I can get it out there, and spread the word, people may be able to help out. As far as having a team, I don't know if I could find enough people to help, and I don't know if I would be good at that. I'd rather post an issue and get a response and then just put it in and list them in the credits. But this post just made me super happy so I wanted to post but i certainly not to deter anyone from helping or making this mod all on their own. I'm sure that a professional modder could have the basics down a lot faster. Anyway you slice it, this is a huge undertaking for a mod, but hey I like to choose ambitious goals and I can't wait to show you what I have so far!
  24. OH MY MOTHER THE F-ING GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That solved it! You, DreamKingMods are my favorite person now in the ENTIRE universe!!! Seriously WTF I was seriously going to just give up! I don't mind a challenge but following everything EXACTLY and not having it work was VERY frustrating! Thank you thank you thank you and a thousand times thank you! And thank you to JanusForbeare as well for trying your best to diagnose this nonsense! In the end, that was exactly what solved it, I didn't even have to start a new save (which let me tell you, if you don't already know, it gets REALLY grating after a while "Oh, you're finally awake" I wanted to smack the smug look off his dirty face... anyway) I loaded my main game save, saved it new, then loaded the new save game. It works perfectly! He's apparently now a follower too since I started checking and unchecking all sorts of things in an effort to make this work. HOW and WHY is this a "widespread bug" that hasn't been patched? I never thought it could be a glitch because the guy was showing up, just not talking at all. BETHESDA you need to fix this because you seriously almost deterred someone with huge enthusiasm for making a mod. I'm sure others have given up and I will be trying to retrace my steps backwards through the Internet to spread this "solution" to everyone. Thank you again for all your help. I hope you might download my mod when it is released. I will certainly mention you guys in the credits. THANK YOU!
  25. Dang it! I was all ready to say "You're a genius!!!" But it didn't work either. :( I hate this. I've tried everything. I tried all these things that I keep finding and thinking "OH, this must be it!" adding an alias for the quest setting the sound file to something else, changing priority of it, making a new NPC and making them a follower. NOTHING works! Is there a way to make quests from the code?? Thinking maybe that would be easier at this point...
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