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markers for lost followers


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Since i have just asked my hubby in game to rest, I cant find him, and this made me think, why cant we type in "help name of follower and a marker shows where they are. I did the Player.placeatme thing and i got my follower but iis not married to me, and does not have all the gear i gave him. Someone out there please make this, when i played Lineage 2 we could always find NPC's by using a marker on the map. :thumbsup:
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There is a mod available at Fallout 3 Nexus called Followers Fixer by Hereticus. I think if someone were to contact him and ask politely, he might convert this to Skyrim. It works very well for when you get seperated from your follower or the follower gets stuck. However, it does not work if the follower is in combat or unconcious.
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