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[Req] Vial of Silver


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I was wondering if it is possible to create a potion that can be used to temporarily give a weapon the "Silver" Enhancement. The idea I had was to be able to craft a potion out of a Silver Ingot and Fire Salts to get a couple "Vials of Liquid Silver". Each vial when used grants the weapon it is used on a temporary Silver Weapon enhancement giving the weapon more hitting power against all the things dead. Each Vial could last say 300 to 600 seconds.


I figure this is a little more lore friendly then some crafting mods since it would create a temporary effect. Though I have also pondered if this could also be turned into a permanent effect some how through black smithing or some other crafting system. Say by taking a weapon and one vial and making the silver coating permanent. Kind of like a silver plating.


Any way can this be done and would any one care to do it? I have looked at it but my lower then novice skills are missing some steps.

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