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Copyright related: Obtaining permission from Film Studio


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If you're making a suit of armour that looks just like the one in Movie X and you created all the meshes and textures from scratch, that's fine (provided you're not making money from it of course).


But if you use any assets ripped directly from the movie (sound and speech usually, but could be other things), then that would be a no-no. :)

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Lol I definitely don't blame you for wanting to make sure, but no worries there, you won't be sued for it, especially since you've not used anything from said movie. That also means you're ok by the Nexus.


Since you scratch made it, the absolute worst Fox can do is ask you to take it down, but it's very, very unlikely that would happen for a single armor, or even a few if you decide to do more later. Even more unlikely if said movie has no game counterpart. So you're good to go either way really.


Hope the second opinion helped, and I hope your mod does well!

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