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Great Music for Skyrim


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I have just listened to Barbarian Horde. You do have a point there :-)

Can you time it for a bloody battle?


How about Symphony No 1 The Lord of The Rings by Johan de Meij?

Or some of Lisa Gerrard work?


Humble suggestions from a newbie ;-)


I did have to edit Barbarian Horde as it takes a while for it to build up to the good part, but it works well, and yes i used personalized music and use it in Dragon Combat, which is a folder, i love the music, it's epic just like the dragon battle, very appropriate.


As for Lisa Gerrard i listened to her Greatest Hits, it's a mix between indie and spiritual, my gf loves it as she's in to yoga and all that but i couldn't imagine where i'd fit it in game.

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Music in Skyrim is categorized by regions and by the time of day, so you could work with that.


Most of mine i've categorised by time of day, especially night, more so i think you get to hear it more often but also it's hard to find area specific music, or at least fitting music. There's a new version of Personalized music out now where each city can have its own music, so solitude can have this royal, imperial type theme where as Riften could have like a shifty and sinister feel, but it's so specific to find that type of song.


Really time of day is just an easy and lazy way to do it, no complaints here. :biggrin:

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Soundtracks that i have included in my game, be it a song or a few, include:


Movies/TV: Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, Lost, Dark Knight Trilogy, Braveheart, Dragonheart and Harry Potter.


Games: Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Daggerfell, Tomb Raider, Lord of the Rings Online, The Witcher 1 and 2, Everquest 2, Aion and even Heroes of Might and Magic.


I've listened to Eragon, Pirates of the Carribean, World of Warcraft and Clash of the Titans and they weren't to my taste, kind of anxious for the Hobbit to come out, should have some great hobbit music.


Any other great film or game scores would be appreciated, and remember i'm not talking about uploading these songs, just suggestions on music i can purchase to add to my game, if anything i'm doing record companies a service. :thumbsup:

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