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Body Mod


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I downloaded MaleBodyReplacerV4 and tried to install it manually which did not work. There was no error but in game the body did not change. Then i went on and put the old files back and tried another version with the mod manager. This time again no error but in game nothing changed. The only things i have installed right now are the dlcs, the 3 unofficial patches and archiveInvalidation Invalidated. The game is installed in C/Games/Bethesda... so what did i miss to get this mod working?
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The current version is 'v52'.


Unlike the last version this time only the basic meshes and textures are contained, the additional stuff comes as resource pack.

Then take a look at this thread. In particular, use both BOSS and 'Wrye Bash'. v52 has a BAIN ready version which will simplify the process immensely. Between the new documentation in WB v300 and the WB 'Pictorial Guide', it's really quite easy to get started. Just focus on BAIN (the Installers tab) and the 'Mods' tab instructions. BOSS takes care of the 'bash tags' and WB automatically reads and uses them from the BOSS log. Everything else is 'extra'. Useful, but it can wait until you need it.


Note that you now download BOSS from the mirror site. It's no longer posted directly on TESNEXUS, though the download page is updated.



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