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solitude quests question


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I did the following side quests Kill the Bandit Leader,Lights Out!, Fit for a Jarl and The Man Who Cried Wolf in solitude I wont to get this quest next The Wolf Queen Awakened: I completed the couriers Pieces of the Past note to visit museum in Dawnstar and have the razor dagger , and I completed the first part of my training with the greybeards and I have to do the Diplomatic Immunity quest next, last quest I did was Glory of the Dead and only Radiant Quests are left for the companion's!..


The only quest in my misc menu journal is no stone unturned tied to the join the thieves guild


The courier has only given me the letter to visit the museum in dawnstar and that quest is completed and no other letters


I already waited four in game days indoors and saved and exited game, relaunched went to riverwood, whiterun and Ivarstead looking for that courier and he's no where to be found


I know he delivery's a letter to you that start's The Wolf Queen Awakened, but I haven't even gotten his other letters, inheritance the friend pointing to a dragon wall location


Is there a placeatme or prid or any way of getting the courier to come to me? he alway's comes around when I start the civil war or college of winterhold quest, but now he's vanished without a trace !..

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As far as I know you have to meet two prerequisites after completing "The Man Who Cried Wolf" before the courier will deliver the letter. First of all you must be at least level 10. Secondly, you have to level up after "The Man Who Cried Wolf". If you've met both of these, then I'm afraid I have no clue.
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kudos to you


After reading your post,I launched my game and I went back to the levelers tower and leveled up and then went to riverwood and the courier had a letter for me from Falk Firebeard to begin the Wolf Queen Awakened, I heard such bad thing's about this quest and it being buggy as heck, but I had no problem's, I heard if you couldn't complete this quest, that it's impossible to become thane of solitude, well see!..


I probably would have never found that leveling up solution on my own!..


there's even two mods to try and fix the Wolf Queen Awakened, there where vampires in those catacombs in dawnguard vampire outfits

Edited by sinnerman69
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The only time I lost all contact with he currier was when he was running up to me a dragon hit the town and his dialog was broken. I had to revert to 2 saves prior as the dragon kept spawning. the Wolf Queen quest always was flawless for me but I am glad to see the level fix as I would never have guessed that one.
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Brandy, when you have a situation where an NPC's dialog is broken you can try two things from the console:


(click on character then type ...)



If that doesn't work then,


(click on character then type ...)




One of these will generally jump-start a stalled AI. If they don't, then just make a save. Quit your current game. Load the save you just made. This forces the NPC to "respawn" and usually sets him back on-track.

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