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How can I make a follower out of my character?


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Hey guys,


So I was wondering if and how you can make your character to a follower. I have created some pretty characters ans would like to have them as followers with my main character. Is there any way of exporting your character and create an NPC that looks like him/her with th CK?


Thanks in advance!


Hope you'll have a nice day,



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Go into the console, and type


SPF _______ (where _______ is your character's name)


This will create a file in your data folder called _______.spf. You can import that file in the "Character Gen Parts" tab of the actor window in the CK, which will assign your former character's facegen data to an NPC.


After that, simply follow this tutorial to tweak that NPC into a follower.

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Try it without the space, so spf Berykgra-Noruz



This is correct. Note that you don't have to use your character's name (you can call the spf file whatever you want), I just recommended it so that you can keep track of the file more easily.

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