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Problem with mod manager


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@Redwatter666 -


I have had that happen with NMM too. You're watching the download progress, then it halts at a certain % level and dies. Stopping the download action, then deleting the file from the download manager bottom screen also does nothing... because you retry to "download with manager" from the webpage and it immediately halts at the same stuck % level. I don't know if there is an actual FIX for this problem, but here is a workaround:


1. On the webpage for the MOD you want to download, to the right of the "download with manager" button, there is a blue link called "download manually". Click that and it will allow you to download the ZIP or RAR file that is normally downloaded by NMM. Just like any other file download, you save the ZIP file wherever you want on your PC.


2. in Mod manager, in the Mods tab, click the little black down-arrow immediately to the right of the top blue puzzle-piece icon at the upper left (the one with the little green "+" plus sign on it). You will see 2 choices: (1) Add Mod from file, (2) Add Mod from URL. Choose "add mod from file".




3. You will now be able to browse your PC to the ZIP or RAR Mod file you just manually downloaded. Select it, like in any other application, then click "Open" in that browse dialogue window. This will then properly add it to your Mods list. Then you can activate it as normal.


All the "Download with manager" button does, really, is just save you these manual steps of (1) manually download the file - save it someplace, (2) use NMM to browse to wherever you saved the file, (3) select it then open it.


Hope this helps.



Edited by Techmonster
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Thank you for your reply but I already kne that and the same problem happens if I download the files with my browser...


I have heard that this happens if your connection downs for a quater of a second and that it shpuld help if you download the files with an download manager.

With such a manager the Download should not die down if it got interrupted, there you should be able to resume the download.


I already downloaded the "Orbit" Download Manager but I can`t use it because I need the hole URL for this and I only have the link "download manually". :wallbash:

Do you know what I mean?


So I hopped that maybe there could be a fix like it is with the Orbit-Dowmload manager...

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Are you at a university/office/school or anyplace else that might have torrents or such blocked? I know at my university I can't download mods at all because of this. If so, try going to a friends house and downloading it there. It could even be possible to go to a cafe or restaurant with a laptop and do the manual install then just flash drive it to whatever machine you've got it on. If it's on your laptop of course you can skip that step :tongue:
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Are you at a university/office/school or anyplace else that might have torrents or such blocked? I know at my university I can't download mods at all because of this. If so, try going to a friends house and downloading it there. It could even be possible to go to a cafe or restaurant with a laptop and do the manual install then just flash drive it to whatever machine you've got it on. If it's on your laptop of course you can skip that step :tongue:



Yes I am at University but with my Laptop and my Mobile Device so this couldn`t be the problem because I already have successfully downloaded some mods...^^


but thanks for your reply :biggrin:

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No, it could still be the problem. At my Uni only some mods have this problem. I got off campus to the Cafe up the street and can download them there with no problem... I think it has to do with the size of larger mods and how they are downloaded.
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Delete every partial file in the downloads folder (inside NMM's mods folder for that game), then retry, if it keeps happening then download the mod manually and then add it to NMM using the "Add mod from file" button on the left bar.

The download system update is almost complete and should solve all these problems.

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