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Tame the Beasts of Skyrim


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I know, I know, there are already two mods that encompass this that I know of, however I am not a fan of the taming methods or execution of the commands, some of the features don't work, and the overall execution is a bit unimmersive imo. No offense to the wonderful mod authors that put in the time to make them!


I am currently working on a new version of the concept, built from scratch, with a great many changes. I have the overall concept figured out. And am looking for input from other users and/or assistance from other modders to help shave down the amount of time this is going to take.


Most importantly is someone who can script better then me. I'm a bit experienced with scripting, but the features I'm trying to incorporate are beyond anything I've done up to this point, and I am afraid I will do it sloppily, and waste processing resources when not needed.

Also needed is someone who can model/texture. Various levels of experience will work here, as there is going to be a large amount of new things needed.


Now, to try and convince you that this would be worth your time, with an outline of the mod:





Immersive Beast Taming

-Tame any animal in Skyrim, creatures each have a specific way to be tamed, and this varies from creature to creature.

Ex: A bear must be knocked unconscious, using new weapons that cause fatigue damage. Once unconscious you must keep it's fatigue(stamina) from regaining by force feeding it a potion that can damage it. During this process the bear will eat food that you place in its inventory, certain foods will tame it faster than others. Once it eats a certain amount the bear will become your pet. (This is the most common method for taming creatures in the mod)

Ex 2: You must sneak up on a horse, and mount it. The horse will run around, and buck up at certain points. When it bucks up, you must press a hotkey to feed it apples or carrots. A message will display saying the taming percent done in the corner and the process will be repeated.

Ex 3: For skeevers, you need to let them attack you, while feeding them cheese or other food they eat.

Most creatures will use the first method, but will have different preferred foods that tame them faster. There are a few other methods used, and I have ideas for most of them already, but am open to hearing other ideas for taming methods from people.

It should be noted that once a creature reaches less than 15% fatigue, they will attempt to flee


-Stat Randomization

To keep things interesting, creatures will have their stats modified positively or negatively by a small - medium amount. This will encourage players to tame more than one of a creature to get stronger stats when breeding.



Add armor, saddles, and saddlebags to your pets. This will allow you to ride the creature, increase its defenses, and/or use its inventory as storage.


-Player Pack

Rather then having just one follower the player is limited to, the player can travel with several pets at once. To keep things balanced, each type of animal is assigned a point value, and a pack cannot exceed this value. For example if the pack point limit is 100, and wolves are worth 25 and trolls are worth 75, you can have a pack of 4 wolves, or a pack with a troll and a wolf.


-New Packs

Optionally enabled with MCM, adds various new creatures to the game in the wild. There are a number of resources I will probably use for these, such as woolly rhinos. As well as new types of existing creatures, such as dire wolves.


-Unique Beasts

Creatures with unique aspects that can be found across Skyrim.



A time consuming feature, babies can be bred and raised. Raising consists of waiting and supplying them with food. They get their stats from their parents, so can be used to try and get max stats on a new baby. Babies can also randomly get a mutation, giving small boost to a stat or a unique color. Mutations are can also be passed on to future generations. Babies got through 4 stages in their growth, Baby, Juvenile, Adolescent, and Adult. Feeding them and caring for them better will increase their affinity for you, which will result in higher stats when reaching adulthood.


-New Items

Sleeping Potion - created from various ingredients, the main component necessary for taming. Keeps beasts unconscious, and used in crafting ammo that damages fatigue.

Tranquilizer Arrow/Bolt - Arrow tipped with Sleeping Potion, causes fatigue damage at a distance.

Club - Melee weapon that can be used to beat beasties unconscious.

Bear Trap/Large Bear Trap - Used to trap beasts for a short time, letting you tranq them without chasing or fighting.

Animal Cage - Can be placed to trap animals.


There is more, but I've got to get ready for work, I hope to hear from you :D

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I like your ideas very much! I especially like the thought of the taming process being different with each animal.


I do have a few suggestions- I don't know whether they could be implemented though. (Sorry, those are many ideas, actually. Not a few...)



To Enable Storage:



a craftible, magic collar you can place around the animals neck once it's tame.I t gives the pet a damage and defense boost that could even allow it to level with the player and will allow it's stats to be stronger than the wild equivalent. It also makes the animal essential, allowing it to go into "etheral mode" when in danger of death, where it is healed up again. Visual Etheral effect would be awesome, but the health simply going back up works. Only bears should be rideable. Wolves can also scout ahead. Bears can carry the most.



a craftable sling across it's back, giving a stats boost and also the etheral effect on low health. Trolls can carry lots of stuff and will also carry the player on their shoulders. Trolls can help you reach higher places.



a craftible, magic little harness that causes a defense and speed boost, as well as a permanent etheral effect as long as you're in battle. The rabbit will not fight, but it can scout ahead and confuse your enemies, show you a safer path, inform you how many enemies there are and what kind. Rabbits cannot be ridden.


Horses/Deer: a craftable, magic bridle and saddle that give a defense and speed boost as well as an etheral effect. The horse/deer will not fight with you but will allow you to ride it in battle (mounted combat) or escape the fighting all together.


All collars, slings, harnesses and bridles should be maintained regularly (optional) and never be taken off (only the player can do that), because the animal would run away if you take it off, as the constant "you're safe" calming effect would be gone.

As long as you're mounted, you get a defense boost (certain percentage).



Actual Taming:


How about a magic spell called "Mindbrush"/"Connect Minds"? It should put a very slow drain on magicka during each day/hour of the actual taming process, the bigger the animal, the more drain. It's a light brushing against the animal's mind, showing it you're safe and won't harm it, calming it. Once the magicka is gone, come back the next day. It should drain so little magicka that you don't need to have invested in it at all and can still tame your chosen animal in a few in-game days (unless you go too quick, of course) but the bigger the magicka pool, the faster the taming could be finished, as you have more time each "session". Once you have initiated the process through the first mindbrush, the animal will stay in the cell (or a specific area within the cell, if the cell is too big) you encountered it. You cannot harm it, as long as the spell keeps it in one cell.

You need to use the spell to tame an animal.


Bears: trap that deals no damage, instead has a bait that is poisoned with a sleeping draught. Then put him/her into an enclosure, regularly go there, talk to it, bring food (deer meat, berries, nuts). Try going inside (being very careful because until the taming process is complete, the bear WILL potentially try to attack). Get closer each time. Always have food with you. The process is done once the bear allows petting.

Bears warm you at night while sleeping.


Wolves: one method could be to conjure a familiar that runs with the pack. Offer food (deer and small prey, berries, nuts). Be there and watch them, slowly, step by step, day by day closing the distance. Always retreat again without actually touching, even if the day comes that they let you get right next to them without attacking. At that point, offer food one last time, bearing your neck as you place it down right in front of the wolves). The next day, only cover half the distance to them. Offer food, but keep it in your hands, let them eat from it. Try scratching it's fur. The wolf either shies away again, setting the progess back a bit, or allows the petting. That's when the taming is complete.

Wolves are very useful. Being pack animals, they stick closely to you, but will scout ahead if you ask them to. They'll cuddle up to you as you sleep.


Sabrecats: similar to wolves, though they are harder to tame. Not the same food. When they lie down next to you and allow a belly rub or head scratching, you're done. They tend to bring you food or other small presents (customizable?). They like to roam and sometimes take a bit to listen, but are always close by. In fights, it'll be very helpful though, sneaking up and pouncing on enemies. They may cuddle up to you while you sleep.


Rabbits: should always be caught in two's. Sit and relax next to them, reading a book or meditating for a few days. Always place lettuce or carrots on the ground around you, gradually closer to where you sit and eventualy in your lap. The taming process is complete when you have the animal relaxing in your lap while you pet it. You can carry them, to, have them sit on your shoulders. They cuddle close to you for warmth and protection when you sleep and cause a permanent muffling effect and speed boost. No real storage. Place food in inventory to feed it. Certain foods might temporarily (exact duration configurable) transform it into a fighting rabbit with quite strong stats. After fighting, they'll need to sleep.


Horse/deer: being close by, allowing it to learn that there is nothing to fear from you and offering food while standing close, eventually closing the distance and petting it, step by step. Letting it follow you, at some point. Once the horse allows you up on its back (for an ngame hour that cannot be advanced; befor that in-game hour is up there is a chance for it to buck you off) and follows you into a settlement, it's tamed. Certain foods might temporarily make them into fighters, but the pay off is that they end up having to rest afterward.


Troll: give it food. Be good at running. Trolls are hard to tame and you will have multiple setbacks. Keep at it and you'll gain an animal companion with infinite storage. He also excudes a fear effect that keeps lesser enemies away from you.


Spiders: uhm, actually, no ideas forthcoming.


Skeevers: lure them with food into a cage, visit often. Let them eat off your hand. Once they don't attempt jumping at you from within their cage anymore and come close to the bars without being agressive, allowing petting, they're tamed.

Skeevers are aggressive little creatures that can be quite the pest for enemies. They can call a pack of other skeevers to aid in a fight.



All companions can help you with merchants/quests (not all but some merchants/quest mechanics). The predators will scare them to give better prices, while the prey animals will awe them (in case of the rabbit just be cute). For Quests, animals might help you find out more from some npcs or sniff out clues/items.

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