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Advance time when opening door


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You could try applying a script to the door or a trigger or something that triggers a 2 hour wait or however long you want to wait....


Without trial and error I wouldn't be sure how to implement that tho...




beyond that I didn't see anything specific to adjusting the game time. doesn't mean that someone who really knows scripting couldn't find some way around it...

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You probably want setpcsleephours. It causes time to pass as if the player was sleeping, but without the "wait" window that usually pops up. Not sure if it will work while the player is changing cells, though... you'll probably have to script the function to fire slightly before or slightly after the load screen.
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Two good suggestions. But from my LIMITED understanding of papyrus, the wait timer just "stops" the script for a while before continuing with the rest of the script.

The setpcsleephours is a console command, but you are right, that is exactly what I'm looking for - if only it worked in papyrus...

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Huh, so it is. Sorry about that. I really wish the CK wiki made the distinction a bit more obvious, it's not the first time I've made that mistake. :wallbash:


The only other possibility I can see is the sleep procedure. However, the wiki is unclear about its effects when used on the player - it may or may not be what you need.


It is surprising that there's no "setgametime" function, or something similar.

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I can get the door to set to a specific time by using


- 5 being 5AM.


GlobalVariable Property TimeOfDayGlobalProperty  Auto  

And set that property to GameHours.

But I can't figure out how to add a couple of hours to the game. Isn't it possible to do that?

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HAHA! Thank you for sparing with me and pointing in the right direction!


I got it working by doing this

float NewTime = TimeOfDayGlobalProperty.Mod(10)


Still a couple of things to figure out tho... the (10) only adds 6 hrs or so. But I will tweak it to fit my plans! Thanks again


Edit: Kudos to you! (sounds like an STD)

Edited by assterixxx
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