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Thinking of starting all over again


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I had created two Morrowind installs and had been modding them and setting them up for a while now. I started off with my non rebirth install but then that went over the plugin limit which would necessitate merging some which kind of intimidated me since I had never done it before and I didn't know what I could\couldn't or should\shouldn't merge when it came to my essential mods.It intimidated me so much that I didn't do it and so I couldn't test them to see if everything would work OK .

Then I decide instead that I would focus on my Rebirth install instead knowing that I could winnow my mod list down much more easily on that install by cutting out stuff that would be incompatible or stuff Rebirth already handles.Things were going well on that front for bit but then issues started to arise. Mods that didn't work as intended for no discernible reason,crashes or instability/crashes that happened repeatedly entering or leaving specific cells,misaligned or unlinked doors and finally I was using the Morrowind Rebirth LITE plugin which still has the collision box issues at the Ghostgate Shrine that was just fixed in the main version.So with all that plus,trying to figure out how to best proceed with my non rebirth install.

I thought to myself,why don't I just uninstall and start from scratch,now I was quite reticent to make that choice but I have since decided that is probably the best course of action,but from what I've read and heard I found that this time I would be better off using Mod Organizer 2 for mod installation and management since I can run Wrye mash from within it for anything I would need it for but without cluttering up my data files folder.Plus it would greatly reduce the risk of borking my install plus the ability to have separate profiles for the same game with different active mods depending on character is super attractive.But before I take the plunge and start the process anew,I have some questions.

1.Now that Mod Organizer 2 has Morrowind support ,plus that I can use Wrye Mash from within MO2 so I don't lose any of it features that MO2 doesn't have is there any reason not use it ?


For example I know that its the go to for Fallout 3,Fallout New Vegas,Skyrim,Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4,though I have heard people recommend sticking to Wrye Bash for Oblivion(has that changed?) is there any reason not to use it for Morrowind.

2.From what I've read about its profile system and the way MO2 works in general does mean I could use the same install for both Non Rebirth and Rebirth play.


For Example:One profile would have Rebirth active and would have no incompatible mods active so I could enjoy Rebirth while also being able to switch to another profile that isn't Non Rebirth Morrowind so that I can play with mods that aren't compatible with or if I feel like playing character with a closer to vanilla albeit still modded experience.


3.I am planning on using the Morrowind Graphics Guide as my base again this time around but I was wondering if there is another guide out there that you would recommend I use over it?

So it would be either this https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Morrowind_graphics_guide


this https://github.com/Tyler799/Morrowind-2019/blob/master/Morrowind_2019.md


I feel myself strongly considering giving the Thastus Edition a try.


4.I am also interested in playing the SureAI TCs I know that Enderal can now be played standalone on Steam and Nehrim is getting a similar treatment,So my question is can Myar Aranath and Arktwend be installed on the same install or do they have to be separate installs?


For Example instead of having 4 installs (Morrowind Non Rebirth,Morrowind Rebirth,Myar Aranath, Arktwend) I could have 3 or 2 (Morrowind Non Rebirth,Morrowind Rebirth,Myar Aranath and Arktwend) or (Morrowind Non Rebirth and Morrowind Rebirth,Arktwend,Myar Aranath) or (Morrowind Rebirth and Morrowind Non Rebirth,Myar Aranath and Arktwend).



5.If I were to start my installation,setting up,modding, and testing process from scratch and decided to merge the LGNPC mods since from what I've heard despite it usually being recommended not to merge dialogue related mods,that these can be merged which we good since I definitely consider them essential and have them active no matter what.But my question is would all I have to do is merge them in the construction set using the combine load plugins feature and that deactivate the separate esp and activate the merged one and I would work straight out of the tin,or would it require some fiddling with the construction set?

Edited by Maxrebo
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  • 1 month later...

I had created two Morrowind installs and had been modding them and setting them up for a while now. I started off with my non rebirth install but then that went over the plugin limit which would necessitate merging some which kind of intimidated me since I had never done it before and I didn't know what I could\couldn't or should\shouldn't merge when it came to my essential mods.It intimidated me so much that I didn't do it and so I couldn't test them to see if everything would work OK .


Then I decide instead that I would focus on my Rebirth install instead knowing that I could winnow my mod list down much more easily on that install by cutting out stuff that would be incompatible or stuff Rebirth already handles.Things were going well on that front for bit but then issues started to arise. Mods that didn't work as intended for no discernible reason,crashes or instability/crashes that happened repeatedly entering or leaving specific cells,misaligned or unlinked doors and finally I was using the Morrowind Rebirth LITE plugin which still has the collision box issues at the Ghostgate Shrine that was just fixed in the main version.So with all that plus,trying to figure out how to best proceed with my non rebirth install.


I thought to myself,why don't I just uninstall and start from scratch,now I was quite reticent to make that choice but I have since decided that is probably the best course of action,but from what I've read and heard I found that this time I would be better off using Mod Organizer 2 for mod installation and management since I can run Wrye mash from within it for anything I would need it for but without cluttering up my data files folder.Plus it would greatly reduce the risk of borking my install plus the ability to have separate profiles for the same game with different active mods depending on character is super attractive.But before I take the plunge and start the process anew,I have some questions.


1.Now that Mod Organizer 2 has Morrowind support ,plus that I can use Wrye Mash from within MO2 so I don't lose any of it features that MO2 doesn't have is there any reason not use it ?

Yes, that is what I would do if I had issues for a modded Morrowind installation and that's to scrap everything and start over from scratch.


However, I wouldn't use MO2 because there are mods that won't work properly in MO2 and using Wrye Mash within MO2 is a waste of time for mods that won't work with MO2. Quite frankly, I've no idea if Wrye Mash can work within MO2 or not.


So, to get the best result is to stop using MO2 at the same time learn how to use Wrye Mash.


For example I know that its the go to for Fallout 3,Fallout New Vegas,Skyrim,Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4,though I have heard people recommend sticking to Wrye Bash for Oblivion(has that changed?) is there any reason not to use it for Morrowind.


2.From what I've read about its profile system and the way MO2 works in general does mean I could use the same install for both Non Rebirth and Rebirth play.


For Example:One profile would have Rebirth active and would have no incompatible mods active so I could enjoy Rebirth while also being able to switch to another profile that isn't Non Rebirth Morrowind so that I can play with mods that aren't compatible with or if I feel like playing character with a closer to vanilla albeit still modded experience.


3.I am planning on using the Morrowind Graphics Guide as my base again this time around but I was wondering if there is another guide out there that you would recommend I use over it?

So it would be either this https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Morrowind_graphics_guide


this https://github.com/Tyler799/Morrowind-2019/blob/master/Morrowind_2019.md


I feel myself strongly considering giving the Thastus Edition a try.


4.I am also interested in playing the SureAI TCs I know that Enderal can now be played standalone on Steam and Nehrim is getting a similar treatment,So my question is can Myar Aranath and Arktwend be installed on the same install or do they have to be separate installs?


For Example instead of having 4 installs (Morrowind Non Rebirth,Morrowind Rebirth,Myar Aranath, Arktwend) I could have 3 or 2 (Morrowind Non Rebirth,Morrowind Rebirth,Myar Aranath and Arktwend) or (Morrowind Non Rebirth and Morrowind Rebirth,Arktwend,Myar Aranath) or (Morrowind Rebirth and Morrowind Non Rebirth,Myar Aranath and Arktwend).



5.If I were to start my installation,setting up,modding, and testing process from scratch and decided to merge the LGNPC mods since from what I've heard despite it usually being recommended not to merge dialogue related mods,that these can be merged which we good since I definitely consider them essential and have them active no matter what.But my question is would all I have to do is merge them in the construction set using the combine load plugins feature and that deactivate the separate esp and activate the merged one and I would work straight out of the tin,or would it require some fiddling with the construction set?

First off, don't even compare Wrye Mash with Wrye Bash, because some features in Wrye Mash such as BAIN is actually back ported to Wrye Mash from Wrye Bash.


Second, if I were you I wouldn't use Morrowind Rebirth, because it touches too much stuff and a lot of mods needs to be patched in order to work with Morrowind Rebirth. About 7-8 years ago I played Morrowind Rebirth and up to the 1.3 version I think I like it, but after the 1.6 version I simply stop using it as it changes too much to my liking. Here is an old issue I got with Morrowind Rebirth.




Also, if you really want to know more about modding as a mod user then I strongly suggest that read everything about modding abot has on his site.

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My reasons for wanting to use MO2 to manage this new install instead of Wrye Mash has more to do with specific features unique to MO2. As opposed to say anything against or lack of knowledge when it comes to Wrye Mash.I understand Wrye Mash well enough and I have used it successfully in the past with previous installs of modded Morrowind. Though that was with MGSO as my base on which I would mod on top of.


My main reasons for wanting to use MO2 over Wrye Mash this time around are as follows


1.Its all virutal modding only being injected into the game on launch thus leaving the data files folder pretty much clean and uncluttered.Thus making changes like adding or removing mods plus resource conflict resolution even easier and less risky then with Wrye Mash.This alone would greatly lower the risk of an install breaking.(Plus I believe it allows mods to remain in their compressed archives thus massively reducing the size of a modded install,which will help save hard drive space.)


2.But my single biggest reason for considering and leaning toward MO2 is the profiles system which greatly appeals to me for many reasons.One of which being that one of the issues I ran into when setting up my previous install was that there were so many mods that greatly interested me and that I wanted to try in one playthrough or another for Immersion or roleplaying reasons.But there was no way to use them all any giving time due to conflicts but most importantly that damned plugin limit.This lead to a bad case of FOMO induced decision paralysis when it came to selecting must have and roleplay,build or playthrough specifc mods while keeping in mind conflicts and the plugin limit.There were so many awesome mods and I wanted to try as many as I could in any given playthrough. So based on my understanding of what I read about MO2 and how it works plus its Profiles system,I am lead to believe that it would allow me have multiple playthroughs with different mods lists/setups all on the same install.


IE:A profile for a non-rebirth playthrough and a separate one for one with rebirth.


IE:Seperate profiles and mod lists based on characters RP\Build\Player Style all without having to make separate installs or scrolls through an entire mod list even through mods not relevant to that particular playthrough.

Also it could in theory mean that I could have profiles for Arktwend and Myar Aranath without having to make separate dedicated installs. This feature plus others found in MO2 has not only had me plan on using it for FO3,FO NV,SK LE,SK SE and FO 4,but also as you know Morrowind but maybe even also restarting my Oblivion Setup which currently uses Wrye Bash.Mostly for the profiles system but the stuff I mentioned in point 1 as well.


Quick Questions


1.To your knowledge is any of this information incorrect?


2.Do you know specifically of any mods for this or Oblivion that don't cooperate so well with MO2 as opposed to Wrye Mash\Wrye Bash.

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