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Inventory model corruption help.


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Hey, I've recently been having troubles with my daedric swords not showing up, their name is in my inventory, and I was able to select it, but the model would not show, anyways.... I just recently updated my skyrim to 1.7.7 or whatever it is and updated the mods I was running, uninstalled SkyUI because it was causing a fullout magic and inventory and bartering menu crash, and now whenever I scroll over the sword, my game silently crashes with no error reports. I have obtained a new skyrimprefs.ini and restarted my computer. I recently read on another post that if my game crashes when i highlight or select a certain weapon and the game crashes, it most probably is a corrupted inventory model. the side effects seem to match the description so, I ask, How can I fix this? Also, I don't want to do a reinstall of Skyrim either.


Is there something I can download to fix it or with what I have, preferably?


EDIT: I do know that around the time that I installed the vicious weapons pack or whatever that was and they replace the daedric sword... But I removed that I thought. If so, shouldnt it reappear?

Edited by MistriliaSysmic
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I ended up uninstalling skyrim and installing it somewhere else. It still is happening so I think I'm still running a mod that's causing this. Also, Steam says that it's fine. I could list the mods I'm running....



I think my problem is with Moonpath to elsewyre or UFO(either main or dawnguard).... Or even dawnguard itself.

But it would probably be something like moonpath considering that it adds weapons.

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