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MOD Idea: Akavir, Land of the dragonguard.


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First of all, i'm a huge sucker for asian cultures, Also for the akaviri stories. but there aren't any akaviri humans anymore because they have been eaten by the tsaeci, but maybe some of them are still alive and are planning a rebellion to, and that they need your help to get their own country back.

So i basicly came up with this idea when i saw Moonpath to Elsweyr, then i realized that almost anything is possible in the modding community, so why not make an another expansion, but this time in the continent we all love, Akavir.


What this mod will feature:

- Akaviri men

- Tsaeci( not sure if human or snakeman)

- Ka' Po Tun (maybe Tosh Raka)

- Tong Mo

- Maybe a new race that represents the mongolians.

- and a lot more :)



Since i suck at modding i'm only limiting myself to the plot/script writing and making concept arts, i will need a ton of people who are great at making weapon/armor mods, people who are gonna help making the enviroment, voice actors, script writers, other concept art artists etc.


So if you wanna help me with this mod send me a priv. message and you are in :)

Edited by SkyrimAvio
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