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oblivion history..


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ok i was just reading these books in the game cus im so bored, and i don't get a thing.

WTF are the alyieds?

Whos alessia?

Why are the gods considered mortal(die-able)?

Wassup with all these Talos thing and divine?

Is there a reason for all the dungeons to be underground? is it part of the lore? or is it just the way it is?

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The word dungeon was derived from the Old French donjon, which came from the Latin dominus, "lord".


However, in French the term donjon means "keep" (a form of tower), and the term oubliette or cachot (a form of prison) is a more appropriate translation of the English "dungeon". This word is a false friend.



[edit] History

In its original medieval usage, the dungeon was the keep, the main tower of a castle which formed the final defensive position the garrison could retreat to when outer fortifications were overcome. It was also a safe, if not comfortable, place to keep prisoners. Once more luxurious housing for the lord of the castle was constructed, the dungeon was used mainly for this purpose. Its meaning has evolved over time to also mean an underground prison or burial vault, typically built underneath a castle.


my contribution

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Billy, I'm sure if you play the game more and quest and read the text you can find out a lot about the lore...


Just like if I start telling you about Allah and Muhammad you would say, "Who are they?" well they are very important figures to Muslims, but then you say, "What's a Muslim?" and so on...


If you really want to learn about the lore, keep playing, and ask these questions to the NPC's and find out more about it.


Otherwise I'm sure someone can give you out-of-game info on it, or you can search google for TES:O lore...


Sorry I can't help you, as I'm new to the game and don't know about the lore myself, but I'm sure it's not hard to find out.


However I think it's safe to assume, with TES being such huge games, that the lore is very in-depth and would be like learning the lore of any real human civilization.


Good luck, sorry if I sound condescending or whatever, I'm not, I come off as a jerk but my intentions are good...

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i think that those questions are good,, '

but your last question?? WTF?


well, let us start from the top.. the ayleids where an elven people who lived in cyrodill before the imperials arrived .. the aylieds are your secound linked to question: alessia was a one of the first imperials to step into cyrodill.

she was a a general who fought to concour cyrodill--- try reading the book called "daugthers of the nibenay"


as for all the divines,, they where normal people who did a difference.. and then they was written into history..



anyway- read some more books in game to and play some more :D try buying the previus TES game "morrowind" this can also help with the lore...

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"the Aylilds or heartland high elfs were the pass rulers of Cyrodil nothing remains of them apart from ruins and burial grounds they are good for the treasure hunter but be warned there at traps in there and a lot of creatures use them be careful" - Teyla Emmagen


i don't know who Alessia is i think she is related to the gods at some pount sorry


Tiber Septam who took over a lot of tamreail as well a most of the redguard terrotry a lot time later he ascended to a divines god of war mostly known


as the dungeons that is just how its done



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Ayleids was a race of elfs whose dominets Cyrrodill in the first age they enslaved the pre-imperials and Nords people.


Alessia the slave-quenn was the lider who overthrown the ayleds capturing the White-gold-tower and became the first empress (simonp92 made a confusion there was imperials (cyrodilic) humans before Alessia but they was slaves from the Ayleids)


because is some cases ,like the Tribunal in Morrowind, they are'nt gods at all only mortals that for some way receive goodlike powers (in the Tribunal their powers came from Lorkhan's heart).

In the case of the nines Divines they can be kill and lost they bodys but their essency continues.

And remember that according with the elder scrolss lore the only beings whose are realy immortals are the Daedras because they represent the chance , whereas the aedras represents the permanence.


I suggest to you to read the lore part of uespwiki and in the bethsforuns. These subjects are well explained there.

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If you read a bit deeper, the aedra and daedra are the same thing, just wo different factions of "et'Ada". Oh, and the forthcoming post has a lot of infomatio, most of it from in game reading backed up by the UESP wiki.


Lorkhan brought forth the concept of the world, yadda yadda, Magnus,et'Ada od Magic was the archictecht, kynareth, et'Ada of air made space for in the void etc.

The et'Ada who did not become part of the makers of the world became known as the Daedra, while those who did (with the exception of Lorkhan and Magnus [whose soul and essence was trapped in the world and is the basis of our magic]) became the Aedra. Talos does not exist until Tiber Septim becomes him after using the tools of Kragenac (and some other stuff), which is why the prophet refers to the divines as the eight and one, eight who came first, and one who came later.


The Ayleids worshipped the Daedra - and all of them, not just any one, and ruled Cyrodiil from ME-1E, with the Imperials as their slaves. The Imperial Alessia rose up and defeated the Ayleids by making a pact with Akatosh and the other Aedra, to keep the Daedra from entering Nirn with the intent to harm - thus creatign the same barrier which falterd to allow Mehrunes Dagon through in the Oblivion Crisis.


They all died out, and left behind the dungeons, and White Gold Tower.


The gods being mortal is a subject I havn't even heard of, let alone read about in the lore, :huh:


The divines is the more common, collective name of the Aedra since worship of the Nine spread with the spreading of the Empire.


Three reasons the dungeons are underground:


1) You can make much better layouts underground, where you dont need to make an exterior building to math


2) These used to be above ground, but have been buried and ruined over time (about 2eras, I think)


3) Its more mysterious to have a below ground dungeon, and traditional.




Actually, I guess I know a reason for the mortality of the gods, but my knowledge on the subject is generally tipped towards the Daedra, since there is more lore on them.


EVERYTHING can be killed if you are strong enough, but in the case of the et'Ada and their weaker Daedric minions, they can not be destroyed. When a Daedra is slain, its essence, or spirit, is transported back to the 'Waters of Oblivio' the void in which it was spawned, where it will regrow a new body and rejoin the service of its Prince.


A daedra can be directly banished by a person via their 'protonymic' which is their lnik to the mortal body. Doing somethin to this casts them back into oblivion, howver, each Daedra can only be banished by the same protonymic once. The only way for it to get a new protonymic is to change its personality, though this of often done anyway during the banishment


Considering the Daedra = et'Ada = Aedra, this could be the exact same thing, with the exception of Talos, who was never an et'Ada in the first place, just a powerful, worhshipped human.

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Starting with mythology, Tamriel was home of the Hist that gave rise to the Argonians, Khajiit and some other races.


Then the Ehlnofex arrived on Nirm (tamriel) during the war of the 12 worlds. A piece of Ehlnofex landed on Nirm wiping out the Hist (trees) Empire, leaving only Blackmarsh left. The Ehlnofex turned in to Elves Orcs and Men and spread right across the planet over time.


Elves started to dominated and arrived in the Summerset Isle from some unknown location across the sea from the Summerset Isle they took over the whole of Tamriel (the area you see on the map that comes with oblivion).


The Elves favoured the Daedric princes and enslaved man kind, this situation remained the norm for as long as people could remember. The Aylieds, Dumer and the other Elven races all come from the Summerset Isle originally and evolved to become sub races of Elf kind.


The Aylieds mostly occupied the area we call Cyrodiil today, their white ruins are their cities. The Imperial city it self is an Aylied Ruin. But back then each Aylied city was more like a city state than an Empire.


Alessia with the help of some friendly Aylieds over through the ruling Aylieds in cyrodiil and freed mankind for enslavement. The Akatosh dragonborn thing kicks after this point when Akatosh promises to protect the realm from the Daedra living in the oblivion in return for their belief in Akatosh.


So the nine divines started to appear as a religion for mankind, though not 9 at the time.


Alessia eventually crushed even her Aylied allies as is seen in the Daughter of Nibaney book, that is why there is no friendly Aylieds left. But the high elves are very much like Aylieds. The Aylieds just melted away in to other Elven populations.


Thousands of years later, not too long ago a warrior that was to become known as Tiber Septim arose to serve a king that was later named Emperior Zero. Upon that kings Death (assinated by another party), Tiber Septim declared him selve Emperor and started a campaign to bring the whole of Tamriel under his control.


This feat was made possible by the use of an ancient Dwemer device known as the Numidium given to him by Vivec in morrowind, basically a giant metal monster brought to life at the moment the Dwemer vanished, well that was the plan, it never really worked that way and the Dwemer just vanished during the battle of red mountain. Its gold skin is thought to be the souls of the disappeared Dwemer. The story goes that the Dwemer where trying to create a Dwemer god but it cost them their whole race.


Ghosts of the Dwemer are seen in morrowind and ash found on the floor, i pretty much believe that means they are dead but many lore fans would disagree with me there.


The story is actually rather crap when you hear it, the short version is much more interesting and less mind numbingly boring.


Anyway, this monster machine allowed Tiber septim to build an empire about 500 years before you escape from prison. So it is recent history really.


What you see above is me describing a farrari as a red car basically.


Before you start soaking this up as fact, understand forum lore is 90% wishful thinking, its rarely accurate and the Wiki is hardly any better because it reflects player option more than actual fact or explains things in a way that changes the meaning of a word and this completely changes the meaning of game lore.


Even so the wiki, even with its faults is a good place to start but the links at the bottom of the page are a must read for any lore fan wanting accurate information. The wiki is like this post, an interpreted version of what the writer knows, it is not always accurate but players do try and make sure it is accurate with varying degrees of success.


So consider it a useful over view but not a good source of facts.


The game lore is presented in books, in notes, in rumours, in quests, in how people dress and other things, you have to absorb it all to understand the find detail. Some look soley at a book which is 30 year old game lore and usually only 1 side of the story too, I find that biases them towards official versions, official being Tiber septims version of imperial history as opposed to Morrowinds version of its history. That kind of official, not beth official but in game official.


Also players love forum lore and it spreads faster than real lore, ive been preached too by so called lore fans for years and even before i did the research my self and found out they where out right wrong, i knew they where forgetting about the whole oblivion crisis thing.....i mean come on, how can you forget about cities burning and massive gates opening all over the place .


Here is a classic inaccurate forum fact. A very common one too.


Kvatch should have an Arena.


The actual lore says


Kvatch HAD and arena before it was destroyed.


At the start of oblivion, Kvatch is destroyed totally so there is no arena, the world is in morning over the lose of 1 of 2 cities during the oblivion crisis, citizens everywhere are running around in a panic wondering if it will happen to them next, then the oblivion gates open outside of the cities and the citizens think holy crap we all dead, is there a hero to save us from kvatches fait oh my....doom, death....ARGH!!!!.


And whilst your immersing your self in that real bit of game lore, the forum lore fans say "kvatch should have an arena", totally ignoring the whole oblivion crisis and the destruction it caused to kvatch.


So you see, never trust forum lore, its 90% wishful thinking, do your own research.


Also understand the Elder Scrolls is a story with 2 sides and no definitive answers, so if your expecting the Bad guys to always be evil and the good guys to always be knights in shining armour and all mysteries to be solved in some book, you will be massively disappointed.


You will find enough clues to draw your own conclusion about things but that is the best you can hope for. It is alway what you are expected to do. Its part of the game, there is no wrong answer if your enjoying the game more because of the game lore.


Just do not expect lore fans to agree with you, most have their own versions of events.





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The Imperial city it self is an Aylied Ruin.


I thought only White Gold Tower was built by the Aylieds? (And the ruins below of course).


The whole thing, though the districts may not be, they do not look very aylied to me. But the walls surrounding them do. There are actually other towers too in ES lore and theres a note somewhere telling of the white gold tower and some plot to use it for some magical purposes. Not sure where it originates though, ive never seen that clue in the game yet my self.



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