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Help my Dovahkiin find a wife!


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Hi everyone,


great news for my Dovahkiin! After long months of venturing through dungeons, solving quests, doing favors for countless people (and murdering and robbing even more), and of course the hardest task of all, decorating his several houses, my Dovahkiin, meanwhile level 90, has finally decided to get married! Even with his numerous companions accompanying him loyally throughout his journeys, nights seem to get longer in Skyrim and his desire for company of the more intimate sort has grown. But alas, one important ingredient is missing to complete this new quest of his, he has yet to find an appropriate wife!


There are of course his female followers (in fact, all his followers are either female or animals, and he is not so much into the latter) Aela, Illia, and Lydia. But they are more like friends, good companions, and not so much relationsship material. A while ago he was fancying Ysolda, because she is pretty hot, but also just a bit too common. So unfortuantely my Dovahkiin hasn't been able to find a wife in his real life yet. Now he attempts to expand his search to other, virtual platforms. Which brings up an interesting question, is online dating to us the same as searching wives in mods to our Dovahkiins? Anyway, he has been sitting in his castle, browsing through the Nexus, but, don't tell him I said it, he really has no clue of these things. So I decided to help him out.


Now I know him quite well and think I know what he is looking for.


First, she should be hot. Yes I know, that sounds awfully shallow and yeah, the personally is what counts and all that. But let's face it, a level 90 dragon born deserves to have a hot wife, period. This may be all the more difficult, as I don't use any CBBE or UNP stuff or Apachi Hair. Only XCE.


Second, she should have a follower option. I assume that most hot women created will have this anyway. Not that she will be taken along into the darkest dungeon deeps, but occasionally she should accompany my Dovahkiin on a warm and sunny afternoon for a picknick at a mountain lake or be able to share the great view from the peak of High Hrothgar.


Third, and this may be the most demanding, she should be interesting. Not necessarily thousands-of-voiced-lines-interesting (read: endless brabble instead of relaxing evenings), but some unique dialogue option would be splendid.



So if you should happen to know a mod out there that provides a suitable girl which fits to these conditions, please let me know, I'll pass on the good news to him. I can't promise that he will thank you personally, but he will appreciate it a lot, that's for sure.

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