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Find out Body preset of custom follower


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Hello everyone,


Is it possible to find out the body preset of a custom follower mod so I can use this body preset to adjust costumes to the body of said custom follower mod? The author of the follower mod posted a .xml file, which I assume is just a bodyslide group, and I cant seem to find a way to give some clothes to this girl XD (or perhaps I am doing something wrong, in that case pls show me the way).


Follower mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25463?tab=posts


I am kinda new to modding Skyrim and Bodyslide is the hardest feature for me, so would be great if you guys could help me with this.


Thanks in advance :D

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Put the provided preset .xml into Data/CalienteTools/BodySlide/SliderPresets. You should then see it in the drop-down list in BodySlide.

Hello and thanks for your reply,


It worked! <3


My mistake was putting the .xml file in a folder called SliderGroups instead of SliderPresets (xD..)


Thank you again :)

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