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Change lip color of NPC without using CK


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This is a strange scenario. The "Jessi Barbarous Beauty" mod was ported to SSE. The port works just as it did in LE, body changer and all. And there is the issue at hand...how do I change color without using the CK? I mean, I know that I can use SSEEdit but that does not apply the changes. You still have to use the CK to apply the change.


In LE there was a way to use a tool (ECE??) to modify an NPC. And there was another tool that allowed the player to 'take over' an npc and play(or use showracemenu) as the NPC. Dunno how well these worked. You would think that something as simple as this would be ... simple.


Before anyone asks why not just use the CK, try it and be confused like me.



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