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What happened to this Mod?


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Well as the title says this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26972 was a new mod that came out about a week ago that changed some weights around the game and changed some gold values it was called EWGO- Evolved's Weight and Gold Overhaul. the thing is i was updating mods and saw an error on vortex and it stated the mod could not update for it was no longer avaible so i am wondering if any one knows why or what happened.

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People delete their accounts for many reasons, mostly because they do not like the username they chose (as the admin/moderator staff usually do not change usernames).


Apparently, the author has returned:




Maybe you could ask them either in that mod's comment topic or in a PM if they plan to re-up their weight and gold overhaul mod.

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