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Help make my Skyrim Beautiful


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Okay so I recently got my new gaming PC, and I'm making the switch from Skyrim on PS3 to Skyrim on PC (finally). My PC is darn good, and I have Dawnguard. What I'm looking for is mods that will enhance the game experience without unbalancing it. Firstly I'm looking for mods that will make my game world beautiful. From houses, tress, and weather, to making all the character models male and female look amazing. I've also considered downloading SkyRe for a different game experience on this playthrough. So if someone or many someones would be willing to help me compile a list of mods that will enhance my game experience without unbalancing the game with powerful weapons, armors, or abilities, I'd really appreciate it. I've been going through mods all day trying to figure out what to do but there are just so many and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. So I thought I'd ask the community that has been at this a lot longer than me.
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Here's a couple suggestions:

Better Females by Bella

My link


UNP Body, there is an undies version if you do not want nude

My link


Skyrim HD - 2K Textures by NebuLa

My link


Here is a list of top mods, have fun

My link


Somewhere there is a high resoultion armor and clothing mods, make a huge difference but I can't remember what it is called.

Edited by BCbrad
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The STEP Guide is your bible. It is constantly updated with the latest awesomeness the community has to offer when it comes to graphics, with detailed instructions of how to install and configure everything, and what choices to make if you want it "optimized". It will take about a day to get done, but it's the only way and totally worth it imo.


Personally I also combine it with UNP body and aMidianborn's retextured armors (Check description for links to all of them), and a bunch of other more character specific ones.

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