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My ultimate Skyrim dream...


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would be for a bunch of modders to each take up a single perk tree, and develop it and expand it in the way PsiSoldier has done to the Conjuration tree for his Necromancy mod. Or maybe get a bunch of okays from modders who have added some perks for a certain single perk type, and use all their perks combined to get an individual tree the size of PsiSoldier's. Thinks it is possible, anyone?
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And back on subject :P I think it would be great, especially to have a few really big projects instead of littler ones that clash :< Although I haven't myself done anything that changes any perk trees except for a speech tree mod that allows people to actually yield. I'm a little iffy about breaking vanilla ^^;
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I'm not familiar with the mod we're referencing... However I enjoyed the Masters of Magicka mod. It's not super huge as far as altering the skill tree goes, but it changes a lot of position and the affects of many perks in the magic skills. LIke for Illusions you don't have to buy calm and fear just to get frenzy. It adds a perk that lets your healing spells damage undead. There's a lot of little things it tweaks and adds a few nice lore friendly spells (Ease Burden which increases carry weight, Revitalize which increased regen rates, safe landing which removes fall damage). It's a really well done mod in my opinion. I started a new game without it once, and remembered just how irritating and annoying so many of the vanilla perks were, and even found myself wondering why the vanilla games didn't have some of the spells and perks added that the mods did. My one complaint, the Soul Stealer perk doesn't soul trap as it once did. Instead bound weapons now absorb health, magicka, and stamina from enemies. Which is still kind cool. I'm not sure how powerful it is yet... I'm almost there though...
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