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[WIP] Cerwiden -SMART Healer- Dev Opinion Poll 3


Cerwiden's Development Path, Part 3  

194 members have voted

  1. 1. With v1.6 and Ceri's ability to recognize (and have minor party banter with) other followers, if she was to have more meaningful interaction with another follower in the future, who would that follower be?

    • A vanilla Skyrim follower (post who you'd like)
    • Vilja, by Emma
    • Atvir Dres, by JanusForbeare
    • A companion from another mod (post the companion and mod)
    • I don't care about NPC interaction with Ceri
  2. 2. Should Ceri's questline (why she's in Skyrim) be dependent on the player's progress on Skyrim's main quest? (e.g., for those of you who've earned friendship with Ceri, you may notice her responses vary slightly depending on your MQ progress)

    • Yes, doing tie-in references to Skyrim's MQ adds to the lore and brings consistency.
    • No, the Skyrim MQ sucked eggs, stay away from it.
    • Doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

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If you're interested in adding non-quest material I would suggest checking out Interesting NPCs. There are a lot of conversations with NPCs added into the world in which Ceri could interject. Perhaps when you are ready you can ask the mod author for transcripts of the added dialogue (if mod authors keep such a thing). It makes Skyrim that much livelier and interactive without adding more quests.
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@onerous1 I've not had the chance to check out that mod yet, but I've heard very good things about it. I'll be turning back to Ceri's "interaction" with the world/NPCs/followers with v1.8. I'm fairly close to v1.7's release (will go to closed beta shortly, with some luck), which is the next "why is Ceri in Skyrim" questline installment.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


A quick update: Ceri v1.7 has gone to closed beta and is now in the hands of the volunteer testers. This version doesn't have any additional "interaction" with other vanilla or mod followers, as I'm hoping to get to that with v1.8 as part of Ceri's next "relationship" quest installment. Rather Ceri v1.7 focuses on the next installment of her background/backstory quest (aka "Why is Cerwiden in Skyrim"). That said, I'm continuing to build on the original framework for general NPC interactivity that was included in Ceri v1.6. By way of reference example, there is a quest "ally" NPC (similar to Delphine in a way from the vanilla Skyrim main quest) that follows what I consider to be a "warrior" archetype (as compared to Ceri, who follows the mage/healer archetype). When set to fight in a particular mode, this ally will attempt to "taunt" nearby enemies to switch targets from you and/or other followers, including Ceri, to the warrior. Also in v1.7 is the "flip side" of the warrior's taunt, which is the ability of the player to "call" a target for allies to target (assuming various conditions are met, and subject to certain constraints hardcoded into Skyrim). This "call target" functionality will only work for followers who've been "friended" to Ceri under the v1.6 framework.


@Adwache I'm assuming you mean there's a particular mod that allows Saadia to be a follower?

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Love Ceri, can't imagine playing without her any more. I haven't yet unlocked any of her backstory, fine keeping it tied with MQ (qhich I've been ignoring this playthrough). I'd like it if she had some more interaction with the other early vanilla companions, like Faendal, Lydia, and Jenassa.


As for future development, I haven't perused this forum and have no idea what your plans are or what others have suggested, but I would *love* it if Ceri actually had interactions that would lead to a friendship and/or romance story arc.


Keep up the good work!



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@GalenZ Thanks! There is quite a lot of interest in an evolving friendship questline, which I'm planning to implement as part of a larger "interaction" framework with v1.8. Regarding the "interaction" NPCs, I'm planning on making a decision on that after Ceri v1.7 goes live (soon, I hope) based on the poll results, as well as the availability/interest of other companion modders like JanusForbeare, DreamKingMods and Emma. :)


Regarding her back-story tie in, even though Ceri's background lore is completely separate from Skyrim/TES, I've tried to blend her background story into Skyrim/TES lore in a way that I hope is faithful to both TES and Michael Moorcock's works. And what you'll hear in dialogue, for example, will differ slightly depending on your main quest progress. :)

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Regarding the "interaction" NPCs, I'm planning on making a decision on that after Ceri v1.7 goes live (soon, I hope) based on the poll results, as well as the availability/interest of other companion modders like JanusForbeare, DreamKingMods and Emma. :)


As far as Atvir goes, you can count on my full cooperation. :)

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Hoth, by Hothtrooper seems like it may make a nice fit. He does plan on other follower mods by the look of things, most of them male. I have been using Ceri with Hoth for a few hours of game play now and Hoth is a bruiser that goes head on into combat putting Ceri's healing capabilities to work VERY often. Perhaps commenting on his lack of smart tactics and his constant recklessness could be funny. Something about the contrasting dialogue of a smart healer and barbarian for hire appeals to me. Also looking into similar comments about Valfar (from Omesean) and his constant need to shout at foes and hatred for elves could be interesting from a moral stand point for Ceri. This is, of course to say I would not be opposed to development with other, better known, companion mods.


As for the Main Quest dependence, I would say it is not needed for Ceri to have a rich and complete back story. However, if you do choose to make her quest in-line with the main quest please try (if possible) to make it non-linear. In short: not just having to to do with the main quest. Those after her may register you and her as a greater threat if you become the Archmage of Winterhold learning a mastery of magic rivaling Ceri's. I guess it could be cool if her questline could be dependent on quest lines other than the main quest, as long as they make sense. If my ideas make sense let me know if not I will try explaining them in greater depth.


lastly, I may be a late comer to your well rounded, beautiful, SMART, and versatile mod but please know that I LOVE it. I am playing with SkyRe right now and to put it bluntly: Ceri and her healing abilities are making a huge difference in an overhaul mod that makes the game far more unforgiving. Thanks SO much for this!


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I Like the idea of tying in the MQ with the progression in Ceri's quest. Vilja would be pretty cool to mesh together, but, I also like Aela since I usually have them paired up anyways and also customized Aela's look. The other combo I tend to use with Ceri a lot is her paired up with Illia (The Frost Boss!!!) who I also customized the look on.


All in all I've come to rely heavily on Ceri and cannot play Skyrim without her!!

Edited by lexx005
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