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Homeless Dovahkin....:-(


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My Dovahkin is the market for a house....He doesn't want big or extravagant, he has simple tastes....just something nice and basic....though a bath would be nice.... :happy: ...his life style gets him a little on the nose...he smells like a wet dog.... :tongue: ....He would also be looking for something with a Forge, Tanning Rack and Smithing stations....Other than that just a bed to rest his head on....a kitchen fire for those good hot meals and a weapons rack or two....What would make him a very happy man is if this was available in the Reach...Markarth or isolated it doesn't matter....he would just feel most at home in the Reach.


Does anyone know of any mods out there that may fit this description?.....My man would be forever thankful.... :happy:

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You could check the mod in my signature.


Bit of a self promotion I know, and despite it not exactly being in the reach it sounds close to what you're looking for...


Nothing wrong with some self promotion of fine work.... :happy: ....should be ashamed of yourself if you didn't.... :tongue:


I do like the appearance...and the isolation...does certainly look good too (nice job by the way.... :happy: )...and fits my Dovahkins grittier persona....I don't mind Falkreath, it's not the Reach (the area that just seems to fit his character best...I'm a bit of an RP demon... :blush: ...)..... but more importantly isn't Whiterun Hold either (Tundra isn't really his thing...and kinda too busy there for him too).... tis rather large though....Thank you Dante'.... :happy: ....very much appreciated....I am marking as your mod as a 'watched topic' for the moment, while I decide.

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For simple... I'd suggest Heartwood Cottage, it's fairly isolated. There is a nearby pond on one side & a river/lake on the other side that you could take him bathing in if you wanted. However it's in the Riften area. A bit far from Markarth.


Or there is the 'sister' house called Grey Ledge Manor. It's a little bigger than the cottage, may be a bit too big for you. Tho it is closer to the Reach. Technically it's Morthal territory I think. No bath, but there is an outhouse and a running creek that feeds a waterfall not too far from the house.


If you don't mind modding it up a bit... Zamfir's Archery Emporium quest version has a tower in the reach that could serve at least as a resting place. No bed, no cooking, nothing like that which is why I said you might have to mod it up a bit.


All three are pretty isolated. Tho Grey Ledge does have some stock bandits in a stock cave as neighbors


Here is one I found on the Real Estate guide for Skyrim its located in karthwasten which is in the Reach. Might be worth a download and look. don't know it's features, didn't really say much... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12156

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Shameless self plug - The Cascade House


Not exactly in the reach, right in the border area where the tundra, the reach and the mountain valley south of Solitude all come together. Semi-isolated, right along the road, but it's a walk to get to any towns, and the nearest ones are both small. Long way from any of the capitals.

Small and lore-friendly. Something you'd describe as 'quaint'. Only about the size of the Markarth house inside, but has all the amenities. Meant to be a nice place to live but not give the impression that a wandering adventurer lives better than a Jarl.

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For simple... I'd suggest Heartwood Cottage, it's fairly isolated. There is a nearby pond on one side & a river/lake on the other side that you could take him bathing in if you wanted. However it's in the Riften area. A bit far from Markarth.


Or there is the 'sister' house called Grey Ledge Manor. It's a little bigger than the cottage, may be a bit too big for you. Tho it is closer to the Reach. Technically it's Morthal territory I think. No bath, but there is an outhouse and a running creek that feeds a waterfall not too far from the house.


If you don't mind modding it up a bit... Zamfir's Archery Emporium quest version has a tower in the reach that could serve at least as a resting place. No bed, no cooking, nothing like that which is why I said you might have to mod it up a bit.


All three are pretty isolated. Tho Grey Ledge does have some stock bandits in a stock cave as neighbors


Here is one I found on the Real Estate guide for Skyrim its located in karthwasten which is in the Reach. Might be worth a download and look. don't know it's features, didn't really say much... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12156


The Karthwasten House has caught my attention....I like it very much.....simple and basic....would be very fitting to my Dovahkins RP....Thank you IsharaMerdin....very much appreciated.... :happy:

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Shameless self plug - The Cascade House


Not exactly in the reach, right in the border area where the tundra, the reach and the mountain valley south of Solitude all come together. Semi-isolated, right along the road, but it's a walk to get to any towns, and the nearest ones are both small. Long way from any of the capitals.

Small and lore-friendly. Something you'd describe as 'quaint'. Only about the size of the Markarth house inside, but has all the amenities. Meant to be a nice place to live but not give the impression that a wandering adventurer lives better than a Jarl.


Nothing shameful about a self plug.... :happy: ....such high standard Art and creativeness should always be plugged.... :biggrin:


Okay....now I am feeling overwhelmed and spoilt for choice.... :happy: ....Another great house in a close enough to the Reach perfect position...I LOVE the exterior....that looks absolutely awesome...exactly the kind of thing that would catch my Dovahkins attention...and mine actually if it was real.... :happy: ....The interior is probably still a little flashier and with more toys than my gritty, muck rolling, Werewolf Dovahkin would be used to... :turned: ....though I do very much like the way you have implemented them visually....Thank you Jadak.... :happy: ....very much appreciated.


Why do I get the feeling my Dovahkin may end up with two houses.... :biggrin: ....That Karthwasten house is exactly what I had in mind....but this house is just so gorgeous...I think I want this one more for me than him.... :happy:

Edited by StayFrosty05
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