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Follower custom race not sticking


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Making an npc follower in the ck as a Lunari race. Every time I save it then reopen it, it reverts to foxrace. Any ideas what Im missing here?



I have the same problem. Though I didn't post this particular problem in my thread, I'm basically unable to make a follower out of the Lunari race either.


Here's my thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/778152-creating-a-custom-follower-with-a-custom-race/


at the moment, no one's answered it yet either.

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Custom race mods should be converted to master files if you have interest in creating anything other than a Playable Character. This process is universal for all custom race mods. The process is as follows:


1. Duplicate your race mod's .esp (i.e. <whatever>.esp and <whatever> - Copy.esp)

2. Rename mod copy and change file extension from .esp to .esm (<whatever> - Copy.esp ==> <whatever>.esm)

3. Download tesvsnip from Nexusmods

4. Open mod copy file (<whatever>.esm) in tesvsnip

5. Find and double click on the tes4 header on the tree on the left, a dialog box with lots of checkable boxes should appear

6. Check top left box : esm

7. Save file as .esm (Master File)

8. Bring the new .esm to the top of your mod load order, just below other esm's

9. Create npc esp's with esm loaded as master file in the Creation Kit


You can also change the original without duplicating the mod but it will corrupt any prior saved games. It will also become impossible to edit the file without converting it back, as the Creation Kit will not allow you to overwrite a master file. If you make changes to customize your .esp, you must delete your master file and duplicate a new one or they will conflict and likely cause a crash.

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