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New to Vortex, New Vegas mods are enabled but not showing up in game


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Call me a fool for going in blind, but I'm new to PC gaming. I've been a console player my entire life but wanted to branch out to experience the beauty of gaming on other platforms. I got a laptop for my birthday and decided to download steam, and in the process also bought one of my all-time favorite games "Fallout: New Vegas". The modding capabilities had my drooling in anticipation so I went onto the nexus and downloaded Vortex to be the mod manager. After doing so, I downloaded the following mods: Yukichigai Unofficial Patch, Enhanced Shaders, Weapon Retexture Project, and Weapon Mesh Improvement.

Now, because I'm new, it's troubling me to the fact that I have auto-deploy on, the mods are enabled, hardlink is on, and I was never given an error other than on a mod called Fallout Mod Manager. By the way, these mods did not have that mod as a requirement to download so I opted to keep it uninstalled. Any help would be appreciated at the earliest convenience, preferably actual help rather than calling me retarded or something along the lines of that.

Thanks, a new user.


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First thing you do with any mod you question the install of.

Open your game directory and look in Data. Is the mod there?

Look specifically for WMIMNV.esp as a test case.

Also read up on Archive Invalidation. Fallout NV is picky.

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I hate to do this to you, and I really don't mean to inconvenience, but like I said I'm new to PC anything. And I mean ANYTHING. When you say "Game Directory" you mean on Vortex or my laptop in general?

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{somewhere}/Steam/Steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data


Fallout New Vegas is your game directory. Data is where your mods go.


If you have Archive Invalidation set correctly in Vortex, there should be a file "Vortex - BSA Redirection.bsa" in Data.

Edited by rmm200
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So, I checked and the mods are in the data folder. As far as "archive invalidation" I have no idea where exactly that'd be. When I looked it up, it said New Vegas has one and that you're able to enable but did not exactly lay out where it'd be and what tab I'd have to open on Vortex.


Also, thank you for helping me through this so far. I appreciate your patience.

Edited by Bawska
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Just enabled that, but before I saw your response, I changed the staging file location to where the mods were. When I did that, I applied and it didn't give me a "don't do this" message like it does if it's in invalid file location. I went in and apparently there were missing textures in the form of red, transparent boxes with white exclamation marks in them. I'm going to start up the game again and edit with what I find.


EDIT: Still haven't had anything change, red transparent boxes still exist.

Edited by Bawska
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Well s***. I'll check and edit what I find.

EDIT: So, I disabled Enhanced Shaders and the boxes disappeared. When it comes to my weapon retextures, they're active and working perfectly. I think the problem's been solved. All I'd need now is to find good texture mods. Thank you so much for your help!

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{somewhere}/Steam/Steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/Data


Fallout New Vegas is your game directory. Data is where your mods go.


If you have Archive Invalidation set correctly in Vortex, there should be a file "Vortex - BSA Redirection.bsa" in Data.

sorry to butt in but im having the same problem and i dont have the file Vortex - BSA redirection.bsa in data. how would i fix that?

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