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baldur's gate series


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I've just bought a copy of BG 2 for $3 second hand. Will start playing later.


What I hate about Blizzard is that they've taken the stance that EA has just left. They publish only games that they're sure will make them money, like Diablo 3 and WoW, whereas EA has stopped doing that and publishing games (Dead Space and Mirror's Edge are good examples) which might have been total disasters, meaning they took the chances to try something unique, and it paid off. Blizzard won't take those types of chances.

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What I hate about Blizzard is that they've taken the stance that EA has just left. They publish only games that they're sure will make them money, like Diablo 3 and WoW, whereas EA has stopped doing that and publishing games (Dead Space and Mirror's Edge are good examples) which might have been total disasters, meaning they took the chances to try something unique, and it paid off. Blizzard won't take those types of chances.


Frankly, although I disagree, Blizzard doesn't need to take unnecessary risks. WoW is a massive cash cow, and it's not going to be milked out anytime soon. Add the profit from it's other games, and you get a nice comfy cash nest. Tossing a potential dud out the door isn't going to help the company. The tried-and-true formula might be unoriginal, but you can't say it doesn't work for Blizzard. With Starcraft II and Diablo III, Blizzard might not innovate, but they'll sure profit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have several of the mods you mentioned, so I will give it a try, but now I have to beat mask of the betrayer and storm of Zehir :D

Don't waste your money on SoZ. It's horrible. But as for the topic at hand, I've never finished the first Baldurs Gate. But for some nutty reason,(before I ever noticed this thread) I've had a crazy urge to go and play it again. I did finish BG: Dark Aliance on my Xbox though. It was ok, but not fantastic like most of the other FR games i've played.

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