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Well, that was the original topic of this thread... to post about your greatest achievements with your characters. Hasn't seemed too spammy thus far to me, and it's not necromancy if it adds something new along the same topic without being spam...


So I'm unlocking this. Kill me if you like :P


But I will move this to Characters, when you think about it it does seem a more fitting place for it.

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*is surprised ragnarok didn't poke his head in here*


by stealing and reselling i relocated almost every movable item in every house in balmora to the trader, the outfitter, and the pwn-breaker (lol, pwnbreaker, thats me) really not that big an accomplishment, and its really quite pointless. i did this in the very first few days of playing morrowind i was like 'ah. i am, uber thief' and after that i got 3 grand and i was like 'rawr now im rich as a mug'. :D i was such a nooblert...

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:D i was such a nooblert...
My 2nd day of playing I found the Sword of White Woe (in the Balmora Guard House) and by using an invisibility potion i was able to steal it without being detected. I thought that I possessed the strongest sword in the game... talk about being a newbie.
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I once Completely wiped out Suran with scroll's.Talk about Great real estate opportunities...

I also once had a small 'Altercation' at Ghostgate and ended up wiping them all out.

Uh I also once enchanted a set of clothes and armor to the point where I had 9 Dremora following me around,Hit Bal Isra with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I killed Dagoth-Ur, Hircine, and Almalexia...

I got killed by a Scrib :lol:

Got over 20 houses of my own scattered around

Lots of daedric <like 5+pieces?>

One (or more) pieces of every item in game at some point (or hoarded in loot piles in one of the houses)

Killed by cliff racer

Did all but 8 of all quests in entire game (yeah, bloodmoon/tribunal too) <of course not exactly all of them because factions mess up that, but as many as possible hehe>

Became werewolf

Became vampire

Messed up about 80 saved game with mod's or NPC deaths

Kissed Nels Llendo

Got killed by Umbra about 8 times before i got him killed

Got bored with Morrowind for 2 minutes...then rushed back immediately

Found that note in the ocean, the one in a bottle...

Killed a LOT of NPC's <all of vivec, all of balmora, about all of the morrowind island, except the khuul-so i can get to bloodmoon- and that building in ebonheart -so i can get to tribunal- then once i got to those islands i killed all their NPC's -most of them anyways- and then realized that that save was useless so i had to re-start on the other one>

Collected over 90 of all the drugs, skooma, alchohol, and all that good stuff :tongue2:

Got to a high reputation!!


I think thats all :cheesy: did i mention loot hoarding? :cheesy:

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