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Crash On Alduin


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as the title says my game crashes all the time when alduin opens his jaw and b4 the shout the game crashes to desktop without any errors

it may be one of m mods that i installed but i rly don't want to delete them all and try 1 by 1 cuz i have way many mods and it will take a very long time

so any help? maybe save file after reaching the keep or something?

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First off try verifying your game files thru Steam. If its crashing at the same point every time you may be missing a file somewheres. Open Steam, go to Libraries, right click on Skyrim and go to options, then local game files, finally click verify game files.
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  • 4 years later...

First off try verifying your game files thru Steam. If its crashing at the same point every time you may be missing a file somewheres. Open Steam, go to Libraries, right click on Skyrim and go to options, then local game files, finally click verify game files.


I realize that this is a very old thread, but I wanted to respond in case someone else was having this problem.


In my case, I did everything that you said, and Steam found one file that was missing. It restored it, and I started up the game (and I was standing close to the burial mound close to the Crossroads). Alduin spoke his word, the dragon popped out, and I killed it. No CRASH!


Thanks, and I hope this reply to your post helps someone else, with the same problem.

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