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Player Character stuck in t pose


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Had installed a couple mods i think ordinator and alternate start and game kept crashing. I unistalled ordinator and went back in and my character was in that t pose. I disabled all mods and reloaded the game but to no avail. Uninstalled then reinstalled the whole game without mods enabled and am still stuck in t pose. Not sure how to go about it and know next to nothing about what files or whatever i should be looking for. I am playing skyrim se forgot to mention that

Edited by monster9694xx@gmail.com
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Hi there, if you were just using the two mods you mentioned there's no reason for any animations to be messed up.


If you have any FNIS data in your game folder or inside Vortex, disable it if you're not using any animation mods.


Is it just the player in the T-pose or every actor (NPC/creature) in the game?


I'm going to move this to Skyrim SE support as it does not seem to be Vortex related.

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