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Anyone interested in helping with new land mod

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Hows it going, im working on a new land mod, its a large world island with a very large city, imagine NYC, Chicago kind of city...and the city is full of ghouls of all kinds, already have several ghoul textures for modding, already have a playable starting area i was building for concept, the island is cut off from the main land and the radiation and bomb damage was not as immediate as places hit directly so the radiation slowly made people sick in the large cities and it was closed off or mostly closed off as people got sick and changed into ghouls...now the city is walled in and full of ghouls and i dont mean a little bit of ghouls but hordes of ghouls and over time the people who survived didnt fair much better on the outside of the city, so there will be a few small camps on the outside, with large swamps and forest/mountain terrain...any ways im looking for people who enjoy doing the things im not good at or like, people who like to make interiors or modelers, people who know how to script, i have some experience from skyrim but none with fallout....im very good at building a landscape and making it feel lived in, so any help bringing this to the community would be great...

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