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Project Nevada Cybernetic implants standalone mod


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Did you clesn reinstall the game before testing?


Okay, so i completely purged FONV from my PC, save files, mods, the game everything. i reinstalled FONV, and NVSE, i downloaded PN installed it with FOMM as suggested by the mod author, started a new game and as soon as i got control of my character i entered, well, what i thought was the armour code but it turned out to be the Ammo code, my guy still had his head, great!. until i found out that this bug (unwanted feature) only seems to react with the armor code. because i entered the armour code and as suspected, my head exploded. Fresh install of the game and the only mod in my load order. and my head still explodes. >:/

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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If you still get the bug after your reinstallation, try this https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EYbY5a-V5t_LYn9OVtSXU6d2VCpFwJUY probably won't fix it but worth a shot.


erm, yeah i can't do anything with that, what is it?


It's an esp, it will remove the script that is attached to the explosive collar but like I said, it probably won't fix it.



Yeah probably not, since i'm not wearing a collar. i get up from the bed in Doc mitchell's house, enter the cheat and boom. Still would be cool if there were some new implant mods regardless which is sort of the point of this whole thread anyways.

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Two things I noticed in your report that you need to check/clarify.

1. FOSE is the "script extender" for FO3. You need NVSE instead for FNV (even with TTW). There is some overlap between the two (NVSE has everything from FOSE), but NVSE has many more added functions, including some engine bug fixes.


2. "Disabling" a mod is not the same as "removing/uninstalling" one. Much depends upon the "mod manager" you are using. If a "disabled mod" is left or copied in the "Data" folder, then it will still get loaded into the game; just not "active." But that can still be enough to cause a mod conflict. Presumably you did not install any mods other than "stability essentials" such as NVAC, and PN when you reinstalled FNV (which was the point of that exercise), but you want to be sure.


Frankly, fixing your problem with PN is probably easier than creating the new mod you want.



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Two things I noticed in your report that you need to check/clarify.

1. FOSE is the "script extender" for FO3. You need NVSE instead for FNV (even with TTW). There is some overlap between the two (NVSE has everything from FOSE), but NVSE has many more added functions, including some engine bug fixes.


2. "Disabling" a mod is not the same as "removing/uninstalling" one. Much depends upon the "mod manager" you are using. If a "disabled mod" is left or copied in the "Data" folder, then it will still get loaded into the game; just not "active." But that can still be enough to cause a mod conflict. Presumably you did not install any mods other than "stability essentials" such as NVAC, and PN when you reinstalled FNV (which was the point of that exercise), but you want to be sure.


Frankly, fixing your problem with PN is probably easier than creating the new mod you want.





Yes yes, NVSE thats the one i ment, sorry. and as i said i purged FONV from my PC, saves, mods, everything, a completely fresh install and no i just installed NVSE and then installed PN as the mod author instructed in the description. so there shouldn't be any conflict with mods that aren't there. I go ingame use the cheat and boom. i suppose i could just not use that cheat but that still leaves the question as to why the hell that happens in the first place?.

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The "mod request" section not where we should pursue fixing your problem with PN. You can PM a moderator asking them to move this thread to the "Technical Support" sub-forum, or start a new thread there and I'll try to help you. But I would start by looking into all the log files (especially those of NVAC and NVSE) which are located in the game root folder (where FalloutNV.exe is found) for errors occurring at the time of the console command.



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The "mod request" section not where we should pursue fixing your problem with PN. You can PM a moderator asking them to move this thread to the "Technical Support" sub-forum, or start a new thread there and I'll try to help you. But I would start by looking into all the log files (especially those of NVAC and NVSE) which are located in the game root folder (where FalloutNV.exe is found) for errors occurring at the time of the console command.





This IS a mod request, it just evolved into a PN issue fix thread. like, i looked around and theres like idk five or six cybernetics mods and none of them add anything interesting unlike PN. like, why isn't there more of these mods? this is a ripe field to add all sorts of implants the player could equip. maybe improve the whole implant installing thing to something cooler akin to PN and add swaths of new implants (that are ..well made of course)

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