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how do i make the jarl of whiterun not attack me with console commands


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hey guys im on the pc and somehow i managed to piss of jarl vignar grey mane. how? im not sure, i think it was when i killed armen or whatever his name is (they guy that acts all posh and asks "have youve been to cloud distract and then says wait who am i kidding of course you havent" or something like that) but moving on he now attacks me on sight, and so does the wizard, everyone else runs away tho the wizard himself i can talk to when the jarls not around like he will not attack me on sight. so iv ignored this because i havent been going to dragons reach often and when i did i just snuck past him. but now i NEED to talk to him for part of the main questline when you talk a bout enprisoning the dragon in dragons reach. i dont have any previous saves that make him NOT hostile to me and yes i have tried yielding to him multiple times but hes to pissed off. so im not sure what else to do except console commands even tho i have never used any and am not quite familer with them. any help would be great.
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Do you have a saved game before you killed that guy?


my only other suggestion is adding yourself to the Gray-Mane faction your character that is, and I have no clue how to find that faction console command code sorry


be careful in the future who you kill in skyrim and save your game before killing anyone your unsure of, in case you killed a important character

Edited by sinnerman69
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hey guys im on the pc and somehow i managed to piss of jarl vignar grey mane. how? im not sure, i think it was when i killed armen or whatever his name is (they guy that acts all posh and asks "have youve been to cloud distract and then says wait who am i kidding of course you havent" or something like that) but moving on he now attacks me on sight, and so does the wizard, everyone else runs away tho the wizard himself i can talk to when the jarls not around like he will not attack me on sight. so iv ignored this because i havent been going to dragons reach often and when i did i just snuck past him. but now i NEED to talk to him for part of the main questline when you talk a bout enprisoning the dragon in dragons reach. i dont have any previous saves that make him NOT hostile to me and yes i have tried yielding to him multiple times but hes to pissed off. so im not sure what else to do except console commands even tho i have never used any and am not quite familer with them. any help would be great.


i dont have any saves before that as i stated in my post and im completly unfamiler with console comands

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Try opening the console with the ~ key

clicking on the Jarl

type resetAI


It may make them stop attacking.

This is what wiki says about it:

Can be used to calm down a non-enemy NPC if you attack them. In battle, the enemy is forced to sheath their weapon, then pull it out again and reacquire their target.



Another thing you can do is check your crime record for the Whiterun hold and see if you have any outstanding bounty, if so pay it off. that might do the trick without resorting to the console.

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i have tried both, i have 0 bounty in whiterun and no outstanding bounty anywere, and when i try resetai all he does is sheath his weapon and then follow me telling me how he still wants to kill me(basically im still in combat all he does is follow me around) and i cant talk to him, i havent tried a calm spell but i doubt it will work

Try opening the console with the ~ key

clicking on the Jarl

type resetAI


It may make them stop attacking.

This is what wiki says about it:

Can be used to calm down a non-enemy NPC if you attack them. In battle, the enemy is forced to sheath their weapon, then pull it out again and reacquire their target.



Another thing you can do is check your crime record for the Whiterun hold and see if you have any outstanding bounty, if so pay it off. that might do the trick without resorting to the console.




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I seen this a while back posted on the mod boards about clearing bounty's and started using it and it works, see spoiler tag it's a long list of player.setcrimegold 0 and player.paycrimegold 1 0 with faction codes for each hold I believe



player.setcrimegold 0 267E3

player.setcrimegold 0 28170

player.setcrimegold 0 29DB0

player.setcrimegold 0 2816D

player.setcrimegold 0 2816E

player.setcrimegold 0 2816C

player.setcrimegold 0 2816B

player.setcrimegold 0 267EA

player.setcrimegold 0 2816F


player.paycrimegold 1 0 267E3

player.paycrimegold 1 0 28170

player.paycrimegold 1 0 29DB0

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816D

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816E

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816C

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816B

player.paycrimegold 1 0 267EA

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816F


Edited by sinnerman69
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but i dont have any bounty in whiterun... i have paid off my bountys in the pale and rift, they were 10 and 5 gold so it wasnt that bad.

I seen this a while back posted on the mod boards about clearing bounty's and started using it and it works, see spoiler tag it's a long list of player.setcrimegold 0 and player.paycrimegold 1 0 with faction codes for each hold I believe



player.setcrimegold 0 267E3

player.setcrimegold 0 28170

player.setcrimegold 0 29DB0

player.setcrimegold 0 2816D

player.setcrimegold 0 2816E

player.setcrimegold 0 2816C

player.setcrimegold 0 2816B

player.setcrimegold 0 267EA

player.setcrimegold 0 2816F


player.paycrimegold 1 0 267E3

player.paycrimegold 1 0 28170

player.paycrimegold 1 0 29DB0

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816D

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816E

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816C

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816B

player.paycrimegold 1 0 267EA

player.paycrimegold 1 0 2816F





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