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Massively Expanded Daedra



144 members have voted

  1. 1. Daedra!

    • No! Daedra are evil! I shall destroy them!
    • I pick and choose, they aren't all evil.
    • I'm just after the power. I'll take advantage of them if possible.
    • My soul for you, my lord[s]...!
  2. 2. Choose your favorite bad Daedra Prince:

  3. 3. Choose your favorite neutral/good Daedra Prince:

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True... I could just foresee myself saying "Oh crap, that was TODAY?" on more than one occasion... Perhaps some sort of in-game reminder might be in order? 7 days before give you a heads up, and on the day before and day of as well? Maybe... I feel like that might take something from it though... I mean if you're going to TRULY devote yourself to a Deadric Prince, it's something that you should probably keep track of.


Also, from what I understand you're not suppsoed to summon any of the princes during thunderstorms, because it'll just summon Sheograth. I imgine it's quite the problem in Skyrim... :blush:

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It it one of the greatest idea ever, i ve tried to create something similar in an italian skyrim forum but i have found, in your as in my idea, a shared and common problem: they are both too much ambitious, if we want to create something we must start from the little things, for example: we can chose one Daedra and start adding little flavours, then item and npc, then a simple quest, then another quest, then a more complex quest, then other item, perks and then a big questline and so on, i don't know if i explained myself correctly :D Edited by Haematinon
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True... I could just foresee myself saying "Oh crap, that was TODAY?" on more than one occasion... Perhaps some sort of in-game reminder might be in order? 7 days before give you a heads up, and on the day before and day of as well? Maybe... I feel like that might take something from it though... I mean if you're going to TRULY devote yourself to a Deadric Prince, it's something that you should probably keep track of.


I was just thinking about that, and I think that, if you are in high favor with the Daedra, they could come to you and remind you the day before, or better yet just at midnight, so that you can go claim your reward. Of course, if you're in neutral or bad standing, you're on your own for remembering.


Also, from what I understand you're not suppsoed to summon any of the princes during thunderstorms, because it'll just summon Sheograth. I imagine it's quite the problem in Skyrim... :blush:


You are right about that. Add in a weather check, and if it's raining you just get the Skooma Cat ^^ Golly that would piss one off.


-"La la la, I'm going to get Meridia's blessing! What's this, it's sprinkling? Oh well."

-"Why hello there, delicious mortal! Say, didn't I give you a hip bone? Why do you only have one set of legs? Shall I fix that for you?"

-"No! No, what the- I don't want you! I want Meridia!"

-"Meridia? I can't imagine why. So incredibly stuffy. Now, if you want to see what living really is, let me-"

-"No! No! Ahhh...!"


It it one of the greatest idea ever, i ve tried to create something similar in an italian skyrim forum but i have found, in your as in my idea, a shared and common problem: they are both too much ambitious, if we want to create something we must start from the little things, for example: we can chose one Daedra and start adding little flavours, then item and npc, then a simple quest, then another quest, then a more complex quest, then other item, perks and then a big questline and so on, i don't know if i explained myself correctly :D


You're right that it is ambitious ^^; Probably way too much so. But people do get ambitious mods made. I was thinking that doing one Daedra at a time would make it a little less daunting. Still pretty daunting though. If you had a similar idea before do you have any ideas for Daedra quests and rewards? Can always use more if you'd like to help.




I've just updated a few Daedra, most especially Mephala - I added the Morag Tong to her ongoing quests. After looking into Mephala again I would like some input; I really like my "sacrificing hearts and absorbing souls" plan I had originally (probably because I found something so dark and evil even my damaged Dovahkiin would give pause), but it doesn't seem to fit quite as well as I wanted, since her sphere is basically just messing with mortals and being mysterious. "Secret murder" is just a single facet of that.


Also - since stealing from multiple sources is almost as good as ingenuity - still searching for as many ideas as possible to consider and integrate ;)

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I like the idea of this mod, definitely would make daedra way more interesting, more *evil* quests the better, I find them rather lacking. I agree with the suggestion to do one at a time, you can always do 1 esp for each daedra and maybe do a pack at the end. If I didn't had 3 projects to do, I would have helped there.
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  • 4 weeks later...
This is very cool. In a historical novel I'm reading, the main character attends a feast day of Dionysus out of curiosity, and she sees several people she knew from their other lives, such as a well-known noble, merchant, etc. This could be an interesting addition for the Namira stuff, or even other princes. "Hey, don't I know you from Blah Blah town? I didn't know you worshipped Namira, too!" Edited by nyxalinth
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  • 1 month later...

if this is really going to work?....Guess my character's zealotry for Molag Bal would finally become something more than pointless painting settlements in blood

in hope to finally please him enough. (you know what I am talking about)


edit: well guess "that" thing that my character really wants would be impossible to achieve

lore-wise :whistling:

Edited by k361
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I really like your ideas. :thumbsup: It has so much potential, imo.


But you also got me thinking about this. Here is what i would suggest:


- After doing favours for your preferred daedra, you become more and more known/feared in Skyrim. The more you work for the interests of <insert your favourite daedra here>, the sooner the vigilants of Stendarr will pay attention and start chasing you. They will build up ambushes and try to stop you no matter where you go, they send special trained and prepared soldiers blessed by Stendarr himself, and might even ask Skyrims jarls for help. If you want to go on with your journey, you will have to permanently fight your way through. But you won't be able to do it all alone. You need to find people, that are willing to help you on your mission. Search for daedric occultists, manhunters, or other mercenaries, sometimes you can ask <insert your favourite daedra here> to provide units, so you can strike back your foes at the spots, where they hide. Every now and then you have to fight the vigilants camps, to reduce their attacks to a minimum, or else they will visit you more often and the batlles get harder and harder.

Anyway, whatever you do, your fight will never stop them completely. They will always recieve new reinforcements, and come for you again. You will stay their enemy, as long as you serve the daedra.


But how can you leave their service? There are special clerics of Stendarr, that you can talk to. In exchange for a proof, that you really want to get cured of the curse of daedra (get the amulet of Stendarr, for example), they will give you the option to free your poisoned mind. -


Thats about it. Its of course improvable. I hope you like my ideas. :)

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  • 6 months later...

I know this post and poll is pretty old... just found my head again ^^


Has something happened by now, some mods in the making?

I would love to help with creating story and dialogues regarding Sheogorath and Sanguine mods. Would be a pleasure to bring in the Lore/Canon knowledge collected from all Elder Scrolls Games and the Imperial Library regarding those two :)


Only downside with me... would have to learn to create mods regarding dialogues and story, including trigger sequences and such.

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Welcome to the ancient post. :]


Actually I left Skyrim for about six months ^^; In part through getting frustrated with the CK and being forced to use workarounds for something that seems like it should have been straightforward. I was thinking I needed to take this link out of my signature since it's embarrassing to have such huge ambitions without the skill.


Do you have ideas? If it makes you feel better we seem to be at about the same place, I find making quests to not be as intuitive as I would have hoped...

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I know this post and poll is pretty old... just found my head again ^^


Has something happened by now, some mods in the making?

I would love to help with creating story and dialogues regarding Sheogorath and Sanguine mods. Would be a pleasure to bring in the Lore/Canon knowledge collected from all Elder Scrolls Games and the Imperial Library regarding those two :smile:


Only downside with me... would have to learn to create mods regarding dialogues and story, including trigger sequences and such.


Welcome to the ancient post. :]


Actually I left Skyrim for about six months ^^; In part through getting frustrated with the CK and being forced to use workarounds for something that seems like it should have been straightforward. I was thinking I needed to take this link out of my signature since it's embarrassing to have such huge ambitions without the skill.


Do you have ideas? If it makes you feel better we seem to be at about the same place, I find making quests to not be as intuitive as I would have hoped...

I am currently playing Skyrim again - got a bunch of mods running and also my DLCs... if it weren't for some of the few brilliant characters in Skyrim I would probably have tossed it in the corner :-/ compared to Morrowind it lacks soul...


I very much loved the Shivering Isles and would have loved more of that in connection with other Daedric Realms in Skyrim. I always find it very annoying that the Daedric Princes never get some more attention from the developers. One quest, that's it.


Sheogorath is so funny in his own morbid way - and I prefer dark/morbid humor far over simply "just being bad-ass powerful". He offers so much potential, and there is more than enough background available about him to make a Lore-friendly quest series with cool story in Skyrim. I have to say, I was rather disappointed at the short quest they gave him for Skyrim. Ever since Shivering Isles I really adore him. (and I was damn sad about Sheo the 1st when I found out the truth...)


I had my share of ideas regarding Sanguine's realm - and possible quests and even a good story for more atmosphere and drawing the player deeper in. Not much (compared to other princes) is known about Sanguine, but I have been Lore-Hunting heavily the last years to grab all I can get - and create a somewhat plausible background for him according those snippets I was able to dig up. I just can say, that reducing him to only the "sexual" part of his aspect is pretty one-dimensional and doesn't do him really any justice.


But well...

I do not know the CK well enough to get at least the dialogues done... and maybe managing to abuse some of the existing voiced dialogues.

Same goes for creating landscapes. I heard the pathing and "trigger" areas can be quite nasty... and require at some part also some programming knowledge.


Aw well..

Left to hope Bethesda will one day make a Solo Elder Scrolls as complex and fleshed out story like Planescape Torment... for Oblivion and the other "Planes".


Until then FanFiction it is... *sigh*

Edited by Rhian
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