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Help with item bank.


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I've been beating my head against this for hours, and I think I see why this appears to only kinda exist. I wanted to create a simple system where I can store items in a bank, travel to another city and access those items. Easy enough, right? :sick:

Idea 1: Use vendors. Two problems: One, I cant figure out if you can use a chest for a vendor if the chest isn't in the active cell. Two, can two vendors use the same chest? I think this is exactly what this mod did, but I'm not really sure: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22040

Idea 2: Make a single chest in all the locations, but make it a reference to the same item in memory. This doesn't seem to be possible.

Idea 3: Store items as data in an array in a script attached to a blank quest. Open storage totem, read array, create items and just insert into totem. When you close the totem, read out to the array and delete everything in the container to avoid any possibility of duping or other funky stuff. I haven't entirely ruled this one out, but I cant actually find a way to create or destroy items in a script.

Idea 4: A floating container with no collusion mesh, hitbox, or visibility. It floats behind and above the player. When you access a storage totem, script just activates the container. Bam. Two problems: One, I cant figure out how to make this phantasmal floating chest follow the player. Two: I don't have any clue how I could make it follow through teleports.

This here is just absolute black magic, but crashes my creation kit? I can see the scripts at least, but its hard to follow: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9045


I'm really new at this. Any advice appreciated.

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If you do not want something like a bag of holding that the player can shove whatever within and access at any time but rather only accessible in certain locations. I would consider doing the following.

Place an object that will act as an activator, it can be given a container mesh if you wish.

Place a single non-respawning container in a new empty interior cell that is not linked to the game world. (a copy of the player house container would work)

Apply a script to the activator object that will activate the container.

This would cause all such activators to activate the same container and thus appear that they all have the same inventory.


Simple version of the script is as follows:



Scriptname RemoteContainerActivator Extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference Property myContainer Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
  If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() ;did player activate



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