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Immersion Mod- Elemental Effects


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After playing Skyrim..for hours on end, I noticed that some of the elemental magics, and enchantments were lacking. Mostly in how they affected, you and the enemy. Not sure how difficult it would be to make some added content to them.


For example:



When you set a person on fire, unless they're magically protected, spells, or enchanted armor with said elemental resistance; the person being set on fire should be made to flee, and scream. If next to a body of water, the enemy should try to make it there before being burned a live..or have a companion put them out with a ice spell. Perhaps even add burns as an affliction that one would have to cure, or else it would take a little more health off each time.




Frost already slows enemies down, by draining their stamina. The more powerful the frost spell you, or the enemy uses has a chance of encasing one into a block of ice which will slowly drain health, and life. If health runs to low, one can break the ice..causing the person inside the ice to break into several ice chunks. The frost spells should also be able to extinquish fires, as already mention. On yourself, or companions.






Shock spells, and enchantments should stun your character, or enemies, and even have a chance of paralyzing them...as well as having a chance at setting them on fire. Depending on what type of armor you, or the enemy is wearing would depend on how much damage you would take from shock. E.g.: Non-enchanted Steel heavy armor, should take more damage then someone wearing a leather light weight armor.

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