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Wiring Question

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- I've linked both generator and consumer to workbench using WorkshopItemKeyword keyword

- From the generator, I've added the consumer as a LinkedRef, using WorkshopLinkPower keyword

- In FO4 Edit, I've created a connection and added the generator Ref as Node1 and the consumer Ref as Node2

- The generator is active and does supply power (its not turned off or anything)


-> It just doesn't work: The consumer remains unpowered.


Do I need to add a spline? I really, really prefer not to have one.

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I assume you are doing the connection in the power grid of the workshop workbench, I had to deal with a similar situation in which I didn't knew where to connect the objects that don't have wires, what worked for me is connecting the consumer as Node1 and the workshop as Node2, works at least for objects that don't have any wired connection.

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Yes, that's right.


I made an edited version of the recruitment beacon. I will try using consumer as Node1 and workshop as Node2, as per your suggestion and report back with my findings :smile:


EDIT: Nope... Can't get it to work in that way either. I've tried with and without these keywords and actor values on the consumer:





Nothing seems to work, the consumer is always lacking power. I might reluctantly resort to making the beacon self-powered.

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I guess the distance from the generator to the beacon is too long to use a spline, so you don't want to use it.

But anyway you will need at least 4 objects: a power generator, a spline (BlackWireSpline01), a conduit (WorkshopPowerConnector*) and a wireless beacon.

To make a wireless beacon you need to create a duplicate of the workshop beacon, and remove the keyword WorkshopPowerConnectionDUPLICATE000.

Do the connections in the workshop's power grid, like this:


Connection 1

node1: conduitRef

node2: generatorRef

line: splineRef

Connection 2

node1: wirelessBeaconRef

node2: conduitRef

line: NULL


And connect the objects to the spline and vice versa:



Spline Connection\XPLK\Ref: splineRef



Spline Connection\XPLK\Ref: splineRef



Spline Connection\XPLK[0]\Ref: generatorRef

Spline Connection\XPLK[1]\Ref: conduitRef


How to place a spline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HyruGEFNEk


PS: Link the spline to the workshop with WorkshopItemKeyword.

Edited by DieFeM
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So the spline *is* required? Ok, good to know. I can make invisible splines if need be. Still, why is a spline required when we have the connection table? I always thought the splines to be purely "visual". Oh well...


Meanwhile, I solved the problem by making the beacon self powered. I had to add the StartsUpPowered (or somesuch) Keyword. Needed to attach a custom activator script that does Self.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) twice in the OnLoad event as well, or the radio station wouldn't engage*. But now I can just enable/disable the beacon and the recruitment station will appear/vanish accordingly. And because I made my own base object for it, I was even able to give it a callsign that's visible in the PipBoy :smile:


I will either hide the beacon (using a small greeble NIF) inside some wall or use an invisible NIF entirely. Player will not notice it enabling into / disabling out of existence.





* I suppose this bizarre behavior is also the source of the vanilla bug, where you need to flip the vanilla beacon switch twice for it to turn on/off.

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