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Apachii Goddess Store


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Okay, this is the problem, the shop lags my Oblivion ALOT! Sometimes it freezes that I need to Ctrl+Alt+Delete .. I think it's all the lights and details that lags everything, I wonder if somebody could make a new version of Apachii Goddess Store WITHOUT all these details, all I need is just the clothes, not all un-necessary details in the shop, duh.
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Okay, this is the problem, the shop lags my Oblivion ALOT! Sometimes it freezes that I need to Ctrl+Alt+Delete .. I think it's all the lights and details that lags everything, I wonder if somebody could make a new version of Apachii Goddess Store WITHOUT all these details, all I need is just the clothes, not all un-necessary details in the shop, duh.


The readme warns it's processor intensive. Apachii is not retired, she's still at work modding and while I think she may be working on another addon for later, she's working on another mod at the moment. If someone were to even think about doing this they need to ask her permission.


In the meantime, have your tried the Imperial Boutique? It's Exnem compatible, and I'm pretty sure I saw it around recently.

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Yeah but I don't know any other good shops, and I can't find that so called ''Boutique'', maybe you've a suggestion, hm? And yeah I know the shop is a great job.. too bad my computer sucks. I've tried Oona's shop, but there are not many clothes as Apachii's.
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Yeah but I don't know any other good shops, and I can't find that so called ''Boutique'', maybe you've a suggestion, hm? And yeah I know the shop is a great job.. too bad my computer sucks. I've tried Oona's shop, but there are not many clothes as Apachii's.



You may have the same problem with FPS in this store though. It looks like it has the same types of reports, but I don't know for sure it could have been updated since then.

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Both take a pretty high FSP hit. I run both and I have a pretty good rig. However you could always just add the items you want into your inventory via CS and avoid the store all together. I live with it..it doesnt crash me but I Mooovee verrryyy sslowwlyy.



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You may also enjoy Growlfs Hot Clothes and Armor 5. It adds more than 1000 items to Divine Elegance and The Best Defense.


And with so many options, if you want to do some window shopping before buying, I strongly (lol) suggest my own Divine Elegance Showroom, where live models will wear all those clothes in a ‘fashion show’-like style. And you buy only whatever you like.

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