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Master of Disguise SE problem


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I'm trying to figure out why all guards are attacking me on sight. It happens on some of the latest saves so I could go back to an earlier one, but I would really like to figure out what went wrong so it doesn't happen again. I've been using the Master of Disguise mod from the start and I've been wearing black mage robes and monk boots since I left Helgen (they're are from the nearby camps before Riverwood and the standing stones). After the first couple of steps in the main mission I left for Windhelm and did some quests on the way (helping Cicero on the road and getting Amren's Sword in a bandit camp). When arriving at Windhelm the guards attacked me. I thought that the black mage robes maybe were necromancer robes but the Whiterun guards never attacked me before. I'm not a vampire and part of neither the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion. When fast traveling back to Whiterun they attacked me too.


I tried a couple of things and came to the conclusion that wearing Stormcloak armor was the only way not to get killed in Windhelm. They would attack me as soon as I but on neutral clothes. I tried loading earlier saves and it was the same with all the saves after i left Whiterun. I even tried doing all the steps I remembered doing after leaving Whiterun and fast traveled back after each step to see if they would attack. They didn't even though I did the same quests as before. For now a will probably go back to the save before they were hostile but I would really like to know what changed for them to attack me. Any ideas?


I really appreciate the help. :-)



Hmm, I think I recalled getting attacked by guards on the way to Windhelm, maybe because I put on necromancer boots or robes on for a moment. I can't remember. So I went back to the save before the quards turned hostile, put on necromancer robes and they started attacking me. I ran away, put on the neutral black mage robes and fast traveled to a different town. As soon as the load screen finished the guards attacked me. So apparently all guards in Skyrim know that I wore necromancer robes. According to the mod auther only the Vigil of Stendarr are hostile to necromancers so that's odd. I can accept that it's unrealistic that everyone magically knows that I wore necro robes for two seconds but will they at least stop being hostile at some point?

Edited by Xerophthalmia
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I am not an expert in this aspect of modding, and don't actually have the SE version.


Whether you are part of a faction, and whether another faction is hostile, depends on flags that are set by the mod and triggered by some event or script in the same way that main quest vanilla flags are triggered by scripted events. They could even have a time delay built-in, so that nothing happens until 24 hours, 48 hours later and so on.


It seems that the Necromancer robes have triggered a faction flag that is intended to set Stendarr as hostile, but has set all factions as hostile (or at least town guards) . But Windhelm guards being re-set to friendly if you wear Stormcloak armour sounds like the mod in action.


Then again, that fact you helped Cicero and got the sword may have marked you as a Bandit or a Thief. It's hard to tell without looking in detail with the CK and that other tool (forget the name atm). But it is possible to manually reset fags.


But the best approach is for the mod author make sure that the mod has no errors in it. Also, if it's possible, find out if other users of that mod have a similar problem.


The official release was riddled with bugs after dozens of patches and update, and the Unofficial Skyrim Patch still had a huge amount of work to do. Putting mods on top of that can often lead to unexpected problems.



I've always found the whole "Steal a sweetroll and every guard in the country instantly knows and wants to kill you" to be a very clumsy mechanic. Putting on some Boots and Robes for two seconds marking you forever as part of the Necromancer faction, when you may not know a single Necromancer spell and have not interacted with a single NPC who would care that you are a Necromancer, is a terrible mechanic. It should not kick-in until you have interacted with NPCs, and then set you as part of the Necromancer faction if they recognise that is what you are disguised as. But it should revert when you remove the disguise. Or it's really not much of a disguise. And it should never have a permanently global effect.


I would think that you normally would never be flagged as a Necromancer unless you actually joined that faction. But I suspect that the mod is intended to make you a "Master of Disguise", so every item of clothing and armour may have a flag to set you as part of a faction. But it should be temporary, so that you can fool members of that faction, and should be reset when you remove the clothes. It's not much of a disguise to be permanently part of a faction when you my want to infiltrate the Arch enemies of that faction.


If you wear peasant clothes, you should be disguised as a peasant, and so flagged as a peasant.

Stormcloak Armour, Windhelm is their HQ. so you should be safe You should be less welcome in Solitude when wearing Stormcloak armour, but not attacked for being a Stormcloak if you are disguised as a peasant or a Wizard.


So it sounds to me like this mod, or possibly its interactions with some other mods, has caused this issue.


The only way to prevent this problem is to make sure that the mod is completely Bug-Busted and to start a new game. As I do not use SE, I can't really test it myself.

But I would start a new game and not don any Necromancer gear, and make a save when I get to Whiterun and use that as the base save to return to.

Then I would check the properties of the Necromancer gear to see if it has been edited to set a faction.


I almost wish I had SE as I am intrigued, now. I think I could probably debug this mod, given a little time. But best to let the author have a chance to sort it out first.


All the Best



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Thanks Shadeybladey, for your thorough reply.


I tried loading the earlier save before the guards became hostile and I put on necromancer robes. The guards turned hostile and I ran and switched back to neutral clothing. Even though I waited over a week in-game they still attacked me when going back. I tried the same thing with Forsword Armor and they were friendly again as soon as I came back with normal clothes. Didn't need to wait at all. Guards that didn't see me in Forsworn armor didn't attack at all while escaping. So it seems like there's some kind of bug with necromancer clothes specifically. Maybe it's the mods fault or maybe I have another mod that interferes in some way, I'm not sure. Unfortunately the message board on the mod page is closed.



You have more chance of getting an answer to this in the Skyrim SSE forums



I guess I missed the SE section so I assumed that this was for both Oldrim and SE. I will ask on the other forum.

Edited by Xerophthalmia
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