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A serch for male MOD`s


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Could anyone please tell me what MOD`s there are that supply MALE only clothing and armour.

I only ask as for once I have decide to play a male character and am so far disappointed with what I can find in the way of MOD`s.

You see though I am a man I normally play female stealth characters ( Bosmer as a rule though any race with a good Agility will also play well ) but have decided to play a Nord male fighter for a change. And despite there being any number of armour types etc. for the fear sex us brut of a male’s seem to be short changed. Stuck with only what Bethesda supplied in the game to start with and one or two others were as the girls get all kinds of gear to play with so to speak.

I know about Alien Slof`s Goth shop witch seems to be the only place to go and get anything at the moment, but would like to find out if there is any other MOD`s to be found or are planed. I am well aware that it is easer to produce MOD`s for the female form because of the sexier look and that men have a limited `look` to play with but there must be something for us surly.

The MOD`s need not be sexy or perverse in any way just simple changes that make a change from the normal in both light and heavy armour’s and any type of normal clothing. Thus giving me the possibility of changing my game play into that of the stealthy or magicka based style. After all this is a fantasy world so where is the Conan the barbarian, the Perseus, the King Arthur, or the Sinbad look?, not to mention Merlin after all robes are easy to come by but you get the idea.

I use nude male and female body type`s so underwear need not be concern though if removable will be looked at I am after all broad minded.


:thanks: I much appreciate your help where given and thank you in advance for any lists, links or the like that is usefull to me. :thanks:

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Try:- Note: These do have Female Models- and don't forget to look at screenshots ;)


Apophis Armory of the Silver Dragon by LHammonds (Very nice Flame Sword)

Daedric Lord Armour by McMuffin (Similar to the Daedric from Morrowind)

Lost Paladins of the Nine Divines by Jerros & LHammonds (GREAT MOD)

Pale Riders Armory of the Berserker by Pale_Rider (Armour looks nice, but I look like a clock-work warrior)




You'll be able to find these in the top 100 files.



Kind Regards,



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I mod for both Robert's Average and Fantasy Figures. I use the same amount of coverage for both sexes which can be a bit metro for some tastes, but it's not skimpy or bondage-like.


Here's my Elytra Armor, my first Armor Shop, and my second and latest Undead-themed Shop.

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If you do mean there isn't enough real like MALE armor out there, I'd have to agree. I start a lot of female toons just due to the fact all the armor is made for them. I search armors and I get all the typical "big boobed, butt floss, bikini, street angel" stuff. Ugh.


I do like TDA's, it's really good. Palerider makes some good stuff, too and LHammonds. Pale's "Bezerker" is good heavy plate for a more evil warrior. But either way looks good. Then there is the Armor of Heaven's Wrath, which I got for my pally. There are a FEW, but not much.

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If I might suggest, try searching for "Robert" and "UFF." Searching "Robert" is obvious for the various things made for Robert's Male Body Replacer, but if you search "UFF" you may find some male versions for Robert's body bundled with items for Fantasy Figure Female. You could also try searching "HGEC" and "Exnem" for the same reason.
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