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TES Construction Set crashing on NPC settings


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So, essentially, I had a problem. Eyja's face, is, umm, special. She looks completely inhuman and weird. I have some knowledge of the TES Construction set, so I went "what the heck, I bet I can fix this myself!". The answer: No.


I can load the TES Construction Set, crack open the Oblivion.esm(no active plugin set, but Oblivion.esm is checked) and hunt her down in the NPC list. If I open her, I get the rough details that she's a nord, level four commoner, female, etc. Except the TESC says she has no eyes, has the redguard coil hair, and refuses to render her face. If I hit the face textures option, the TESC does not show off the basic trio of sliders, (age, those-two-other-ones I can't remember) but does have them labeled. If I hit any of the buttons, such as reset or generate face, it crashes. I tried to crack open TNR races(with it set to active file) and same result. Even if I simply hit Okay instead of Cancel to leave the NPC dialogue box, it crashes the TESC. It also crashes no matter what NPC I try to toy with.


It did however operate once today, after I had by mistake left the TESC on left to the NPC screen for 3-4 hours, and then returned to find that I could muck with Eyja's face to my delight, but not her face textures. At the time it was TNR that was active.


I can however render levels, races previews, that sort of stuff.


And in case this is necessary, here's what I'm running.


Vista, last updated as of late august. The laptop itself is built for gaming, and carries an 8800 GTS.


The TESC is set for Run as Administrator, and does not operate with compatibility set to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Vista.

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  • 1 year later...

exact same problem here. i looked it up and everywhere said to hit the preview buttons first, but it crashed after i did. NOTHING WORKS!!!!!!!! i looked up alternatives, but none of them are what im looking for. this is rediculous...


EDIT: the face tab will open, but the crash thing pops up over it. i can see all of the options and data, but i cant get to it

Edited by isavegas
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Hmm...I've been doing extensive face editing of late and never had to do that. Did have the occasional crash, but only after the CS had been running for a while and I'd gone through several dozen NPC faces in a row.


Is this something the CSE fixed? Because I've found it to be very stable, at least compared to waht people have said about the Vanilla CS

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