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I'm looking to mod FNV, where should I start?


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Im looking too start modding fallout new vegas, however I have no prior experience with modding, I hope to start with very small projecs and gradualy work my way up to larger ones, can enyone recommend mod types that are easy to make and mod types I should stay away from as a beginner? and perhaps things to help educate myself in modding?


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A good starter project would be to make a House- It'l teach you some of the basic fundamentals:


- Placing and manipulating objects in the game world.

- Using Snapping to accurately connect pieces of rooms.

- Connecting an interior to the overworld via a Load Door.


Then you can graduate to creating an NPC to occupy the house:


- Creating an NPC, changing their appearence, and giving them items

- Creating an AI package to give them something to do in and around the house.

- Creating a Navmash so NPCs can walk around the house without bumping in to everything.


And when you're ready you can create your first quest offered by your newly created denizen of the mojave, using everything you've learned and a few more things, chiefly:


- Scripting. (Not as scary as it sounds)

- Basic Quest and Dialogue implementation.


Seddon4494's Youtube Channel has video tutorials for all these. Both the Official and Community Geck Wikis are also very valuable resources.

Edited by Radioactivelad
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A good starter project would be to make a House- It'l teach you some of the basic fundamentals:


- Placing and manipulating objects in the game world.

- Using Snapping to accurately connect pieces of rooms.

- Connecting an interior to the overworld via a Load Door.


Then you can graduate to creating an NPC to occupy the house:


- Creating an NPC, changing their appearence, and giving them items

- Creating an AI package to give them something to do in and around the house.

- Creating a Navmash so NPCs can walk around the house without bumping in to everything.


And when you're ready you can create your first quest offered by your newly created denizen of the mojave, using everything you've learned and a few more things, chiefly:


- Scripting. (Not as scary as it sounds)

- Basic Quest and Dialogue implementation.


Seddon4494's Youtube Channel has video tutorials for all these. Both the Official and Community Geck Wikis are also very valuable resources.


Thank you, I'll check out the educational resources first

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